Friday, September 14, 2018

Summer Almost Over, Storm Season Begins.

Just a bit of summer left.
 I am joining in for  Friday Foto Friends, as usual and with Skywatch Friday.

No sky in this one.. just some nice clear ocean water.

A sunny day on the ocean
sparking water

my favorite place

Just before the storm

Waiting to see what Florence does....

Stormy skies, sheets of rain

 fog and a bit of storm surge on the bay. The boardwalk was undermined a bit by the waves.

waves the day before were over to the street, it calmed down a bit on Wednesday night

storm surge ran up the beach and over to the street with large waves. Left debris.

A dark and stormy night on the road. Lots of fog

Brighter days on the bay

Porch in the evening

Selfie to check hair length. I cut off about 4 inches.

I tried to take some photos of the surf on the ocean this week but it the rain was coming down in thick sheets and the wind was terrible. 
I will be back out again and taking more photos later on.


  1. Your hair is so nice! And you know it, I love all you island photos.

  2. I like all skies even storm clouds. Lovely collection of shots today

  3. Lovely photos. I'm thinking of you as Florence does her thing. I hope she stays well away from you.

  4. Great photos Annie. The storm photos are amazing and I love your hair. Nice job on the cutting! Have a day of blessings my friend.

  5. Brighter days on the bay, wow!! The water and the sky are beautiful shades of blue! Beautiful

  6. Some beautiful photos here! Love the rock colors in the opening photo. Have a great weekend!

  7. Great photos. Hope Florence doesn't leave too much damage behind. Love your hair!!

  8. You certainly have beautiful hair!! Wow! I have so many cowlicks in the back I have rooster tails and bare spots...not a pretty spot to look at! LOL. Praying you will continue to be safe from the storm. Praying for those in its path now. Hope you have a good, safe, calm weekend.

  9. Beautiful photos. The fog has been setting in here too, hot and humid. sigh. smiles

  10. Beautiful hair! I always love your fotos of the bay and water and sand. Hope Florence hasn't affected you too badly.


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