Thursday, September 13, 2018

Wednesday Night on the Bay

Tuesday, it was way too rainy and windy to film at the ocean beach and even here at the bay it was raining down in sheets. I thought it would still be wild last night, but it was calmer, yet foggy as can be. The high winds have died down a lot.
 In this little video I took you can see the storm surge that came up the bay beach. It has undermined the little boardwalk a bit as well as the waves were clear over the walk to almost the street. Now, this is not a big deal.
 The water is usually blue but you see how the surge has pushed the bay up over the little beach and you can see the sand below as brownish and well churned up.
 It is close to high tide as well.
 The islands across the way can't be seen in the fog. This was taken around 7 PM last night.


  1. Praying your coastline will not be damaged by this storm. May God spare your part of the country, just as He seems to be sparing ours down here. Praying now for the people in the path of Florence. May God be merciful and calm the storm.

  2. I love your little video and hearing the waves lap on the shore. I was watching the news late tonight and they have downgraded the hurricane so I'm hoping that everyone will be safe including where you are.

  3. So sweet, the video. Thankful for it. Very nice.

  4. Annie, I have seen Sylvan Beach like this, sometimes the boat ramps are completely under water. Thanks for sharing the video, I enjoyed it.

  5. Love the video scary and yet so calming to me. Have a day of blessings dear Annie.


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