Saturday, October 20, 2018

Sweet City Women, Saturday 9

Each week Sam posts the Saturday 9, a fun meme that anyone can join in on.
I like them because they let you get to know other bloggers and give them a sense of who and what you are as well.  So, on this rainy, cool day, here is the lastest Saturday 9.

Saturday 9: Sweet City Woman (1971)

Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here.

1. The lyrics tell us the singer is on his way to catch a train and he really wants to be on time. When is the last time you were late for something?
Quite often since I depend on others for rides to get places and they are often late coming for me, so its a rush to get places.

2. He sings he's on his way to meet a woman known for her macaroons. What's your favorite cookie?
I like what are called Snowballs, Russian Wedding Cookies,  Butterballs, sometimes called  Mexican or Italian Wedding Cookies and the original Toll House Chocolate Chip cookies if they are made just right!   I have a recipe for the Wedding cookies on this blog.

3. His girlfriend's face is so pretty she lights up the city night. How many lights are in the room you're in? How many are switched on?
There are two lights. One in a photo in the post below which is on and another on another side of the room,which is not on.

4. This is the rare top 40 tune that prominently features a banjo. Sam has always been crazy about the sound of a banjo. What sound makes you smile? (It doesn't have to be a musical instrument. Think bacon sizzling, church bells, etc.)
I love the sound of a triple chime train whistle, chiming clocks, Pipe organ music etc. but there are many things that make me smile.

5.  47 years after their record was a hit, The Stampeders still tour every summer, playing festivals across the US and their native Canada. Do you enjoy live music under the stars? Or would you prefer to be seated in a theater?
I am not a fan of live rock music. It is always way too loud for me and I don't enjoy feeling that thumping in my chest from the vibrations or having my ears blasted like that.
I went to see The Trans Siberian Orchestra and I felt ill from the strong vibrations.
The last concert I went to was Ariana Grande with the Famous Anonymous. I put cotton in my ears and then I enjoyed it more. I could still hear but it didn't hurt my ears.  It's just too loud and awful.  I don't like to pay money to be made uncomfortable.
The only live music I like is Opera or symphony music since the sound is regulated better.

6. In 1971, when this song was popular on the radio, detective shows were popular on TV. Mannix, Ironside and Cannon were all in the Top 20. Who is your favorite TV detective?
My favorite detective is Hercule Poirot and of course, Miss Marple! I also like Robert Parker's Spenser for Hire and Jesse Stone played by Tom Selleck.

7. Also in 1971, the Post Office Department was disbanded as a Cabinet department and became The United States Postal Service. When did you last go to the post office? Were you mailing something? Buying stamps? Picking up a package? Renewing your passport?

It has been so long since I've been to the post office but the last time I was there I was mailing a package.

8. Race car legend Jeff Gordon was born in 1971. Do you watch NASCAR?
No, I don't watch NASCAR. Car racing doesn't interest me.

9. Random question -- Do you have a vaccination scar? If so, where is it?
  No , I don't have a vaccination scar.

See you tomorrow for Sunday Stealing... have a good day!


  1. Favorite sounds ?
    A baby's first belly laugh , ocean surf , the clink of sailboat lines against the mast , spring birdsong , the thrum of hummingbird wings close by...
    Be well , my friend

  2. Hi Annie! I liked concerts when I was young, but I cannot stand loud noise now. I love train whistles too. Loved your answers! Have a great weekend! See you tomorrow!

  3. What a variety of music you listen to--Opera and symphony to Ariana Grande!

  4. Fun questions today and I enjoyed your answers! The Wedding cookies are my favorite too!

  5. You and I both agree on Spencer for Hire. That Robert Urich was so darn handsome! God love you for sitting thru an Ariana Grande concert. Enjoy your weekend.

  6. Those original Toll House chocolate chip cookies are the only ones that make the grade around here, too!
    I thought I'd like to see the Trans Siberian Orchestra one day, but maybe not if it is that loud.
    I hadn't thought of Spenser for Hire in years, but we really liked it when it was on TV.
    Love your cute little MacDuff & MacGregor over there wagging their tails at me. :)
    Have a lovely weekend!

  7. I love the sound of a train whistle too. So much to comment loved your answers. smiles


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