z Cottage by the Sea : The Saturday Nine
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Saturday, October 13, 2018

The Saturday Nine

Today I am participating in the Saturday 9 questions.

Saturday 9: Unbreak My Heart (1996)

Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here.

1. Songs like this are enduringly popular in part because each of us has had our heart broken. Give us the name of a heart breaker from your own life.

There is someone but the name does not need to be said publicly and it was over 20 years ago anyway.

2. Toni Braxton sings that "nights are so unkind." What did you do last night?
Last night I watched lectures by  E. Michael Jones on Fides et Ratio,Faith or Reason. Upshot: you need both faith and reason.

3. While this song has Toni singing the blues, in real life her love life is happier. Now aged 50, she's engaged and has been sporting a diamond on her left hand. Do you believe that a bride is ever too old to have a big wedding?
No a bride is not too old for a big wedding at any age.  If the couple want a big wedding they should do as they please.

4. Growing up, Toni Braxton's parents severely restricted how much TV their children could watch each day. Ironically, today Toni and her sisters participate in a reality TV show on the WE-TV network, so TV cameras are a big part of their daily adult lives. What TV show do you try not to miss?
I rarely watch television anymore and there is no program that I try not to miss.
I used to try to watch Pretty Little Liars but since that is long over now, I am not too interested in much on TV. If I watched with someone, I might be more interested and I think I might like  Blue Bloods,if that is still on. But no, I don't watch anything much.

5. She is prone to dry skin and applies Kiehl's Hand Salve to her hands and arms throughout the day. Tell us about a product you're brand loyal to.
 I am not totally brand loyal but,  I like L'Oreals eye stuff. I like butter imported from Finland.  I like non GMO fed, free range eggs.
6. Toni admits to being "a bit of a germaphobe," and always maintains a supply of hand sanitizer and wipes. What is always on your shopping list?

My shopping list always includes the staples that I go through and finish each week like eggs and cream and salad makings.

7. While she is not shy about her body, and has worn revealing outfits on the red carpet, Toni Braxton refused a 2011 offer from Hugh Hefner and Playboy to pose nude. What's the last thing you said "no" to?

I say no to a lot of things and am having trouble coming up with something specific. I don't have trouble saying no to people or things so specific things don't stand out for me.

8) In 1996, the year this song was popular, Mattel introduced a Star Trek Barbie and Ken set. Have you ever fantasized about space travel?
I don't believe space travel is possible with rocketry and neither did Werner Von Braun. But really, I am just not interested in space or travel in it.

9) Random question -- Would you (or did you) invite an ex to your wedding?
No, and never would do that. They are always 'ex' for a reason , aren't they? If you get along with them well enough to spend time with them you had no real reason to break up...but we live in a day of revolving door marriage and relationships that break up over very little.


  1. Great answers, smiles. Hope you have a lovely day friend.

  2. I couldn't agree more with your answer to #9.

  3. Your TV answer intrigued me because of Blue Bloods. It's on so often -- on network and on cable -- that I feel like the entertainment gods are willing me to watch it. Oh, and I suspect I would like Pretty Little Liars. It's just there's so much TV these days! It's hard to keep up.

  4. I don't watch much tv either, but do enjoy some of the DIY programs and/or HGTV...only particular ones. Waiting for the new season of Maine Cabin Masters to come back. I love hearing them talk and seeing the beautiful Maine scenery. We used to live in Maine, as did our son who has passed away, so I think this is why this show appeals to me so much. Plus, I love seeing how people do DIY projects to improve their homes/camps, etc. If I were a younger woman and much stronger I would enjoy doing those things... I enjoyed reading your answers. I agree with so much of what you said. Have a beautiful day. I hope the rain has stopped by now.

  5. Blue Bloods is still on I think, but I don't watch it.

  6. Tp paraphrase a motto...broken hearts are inevitable , suffering is not .
    In my own life , better character assessment would have avoided much heartache ,
    but as my mother said , without that rocky road , we wouldn't be the women we are today !

  7. Hi Annie! I agree with you that a bride should have whatever kind of wedding at whatever age she is! I loved your answers! Have a nice weekend!


  8. I think most of us agree on #3. I like your answer to #9. Another fun Saturday 9!! Have a good weekend!

  9. Yes they ARE an EX for a reason. Why would anyone want an EX at their wedding UNLESS they are friends and have children and all is just peachy keen between them. It's kinda strange to have an EX there. Have a good weekend.


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