z Cottage by the Sea : Monday...
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Monday, November 5, 2018


Monday is grey,cool and rainy. It will be this way most of the week.
But I am happy to join in with Melanie for My Day so Far. You can as well. 

link up
 The date today:
 Monday, November 5, 2018

How's the weather?
Cool , rainy and a bit blustery

What are you wearing?
Purple and green flannel shirt, denim, moccasins in navy blue suede leather.

What chore around the house have you been putting off?
I need to straighten the laundry room up a bit more. I don't like when the shelves are not organized. It becomes too hard to find things. Being disabled means you need everything in it's place all the time!

Is there anything in your fridge you need to throw out?
What?  Do you even recognize it?
No, the refrigerator is cleaned out and fresh.

What are you reading?
 I am listening to lectures by Joseph Farrell and E. Michael Jones.

A scripture verse you'd like to share.
"How good and how pleasant for brethren to dwell together in peace"

Is here a prayer request you'd like to share?
I am having  heart surgery this Wednesday. My second go at it and hopefully this will fix the problem forever. I've had this since I was 14.

How about a creative project you are working on?
painting winter headers for the blog.

What special dish or baked item are you planning for this week?
I made a casserole I am freezing today for when I come home from the hospital on Thursday so I don't have to cook.

Your latest acquisition?
Craft supplies from Michael's.

A photo you'd like to share?
Summer on the bay

A funny graphic, photo or quote?

I iz all ears!

Any parting thoughts?


  1. I just put Melanie's meme too. I am keeping you in prayer, Annie. smiles

  2. Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers this week. You are amazing...planning ahead, freezing a casserole for when you come home. I do hope you will have someone to come be with you as needed for a day or two. But you are never alone...you know that. God will be with you throughout this ordeal, and He's got you covered. Looking forward to hearing from you when you are able to share with us again.

  3. I will keep you in my prayers for a successful surgery on Thursday! I enjoyed your answers to the meme! Your paintings are so beautiful. Do you have an Etsy store?

    1. Surgery is Wednesday. Thanks for prayers :). No Etsy store. Not sure what I would make for it.

  4. Thank you for joining in with me! You will be in my prayers tomorrow for surgery and I pray that your recovery is fast and that your problem is corrected. God is faithful!

  5. My prayers are with you tomorrow dear Annie. I pray all goes well and all will be corrected. Have a blessed and peaceful evening my friend.

  6. You go forth wrapped in the prayers of all who love you !


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