Sunday, December 30, 2018

Sunday Stealing

Sunday Stealing stole from Strawberry Lollipop Kisses this week.

Here are the questions and my answers.

  1. Are flowers a nice gift to give someone?
 I suppose. Many people like them. I am not fond of gifts of flowers unless they are ones to plant in my yard. I don't like cleaning up the falling petals and leaves and having to find a place to put them.

2. Do you wear any jewelry?
Yes. I wear some when I go out.

3. Have you ever laid in a field of flowers?
 Yes as a kid I played in a field of Black Eyed Susans.

4. Do you like tea?
 Yes, I like tea very much.

5. What would you do with a million dollars?
   I would buy a new house or rehab this falling apart one I now live in. I would give some money to a friend and family.
Can't think of a word!

6. What word do you have trouble saying?
  None that I can think of.

7. Favorite fairy-tale?
   The Land of Green Ginger
The Tale of the Land of Green Ginger is a 1937 book for children by Noel Langley.  (Later editions shortened the title to The Land of Green Ginger.) The book is illustrated by Edward Ardizzone. It tells the story of Abu Ali, the son of Aladdin (who is now emperor of China). Abu Ali's first words are "Button-nosed tortoise", which immediately mark him out as fated to perform an important task when he grows up. On reaching maturity, Abu Ali duly sets out on his quest (the hero's journey), has various adventures, and struggles to do good whilst foiling the schemes of the Wicked Princes, Rubdub Ben Thud and Tintac Ping Foo.
The book was adapted for television on Shirley Temple's Storybook.

The book is one of the first by a modern writer to tell the story of what happens in the world of a fairy tale after "they all lived happily ever after", and is particularly highly regarded for its amusing word-play

8. Do you sleep with stuffed animals?
I sleep with a plush body pillow. I suppose that counts

9. Do you prefer the city or the country?
I prefer small towns. I could also live in either the city or the country and love them equally.

10. Are you a big fan of makeup?
Yup.  My eyelashes are very long but so light you can barely see them, so I use mascara and I tight line my eyes with dark liner to define them.

11. Favorite drink?
Cold drink: iced tea with lemon
hot drink: tea and coffee
alcohol: I don't drink but I have enjoyed Benedictine when I had it, as well as Frangelico.

12. What’s the longest amount of time you’ve stayed awake?
48 hours

13. Have you ever traveled outside of your country?
Yes. I used to go to Canada a lot and especially to Prince Edward Island, which I love.

14. Do you like spring?
Not especially, no. The flowers are nice but the damp, chilly weather really is awful. Spring is damper than summer or fall or winter even. It isn't my favorite time of year. It's lukewarm, neither hot or cold. I don't like it!

15. Lipstick or lip
Lipstick ,,, the 24 hour kind.

16. Favorite color?
 I like a lot of colors for various things and reasons.  I do like green, yellow and purple however.

17. Do you like to decorate?
Yes. I love decorating, especially other people's homes..which I do whenever I visit someone. I rearrange and redo their home in my mind.

18. Do you ever go barefoot when you’re outside?
Yes. Grounding is very important and rubber soled shoes are horrible for your health.

19. Are aliens real?
     No, they are not. Evil spiritual entities and perhaps genetically manipulated beings may be, however.

20. Does you zodiac sign fit your personality?
  Quite a bit of it does, yes. I am  Sagittarius.

21.Favorite sea animal?
    I suppose Dolphins and penguins.

22. Are you a nice person?
  I try to be.

23. Favorite word?


24. Night or day?

25. What would make you happy right now?

  Pizza and a  real chocolate ice cream soda with vanilla ice cream in it, or an Egg Cream while I watch Miss Marple!
Here is a recipe for making a nice Egg Cream. If you want an ice cream soda, simply add ice cream to an egg cream. Simple!



  1. I also love make-up and tight line my eyes. It makes such a huge difference!
    Also....I so wish you could come decorate my house in your head and then tell me what you see so I could decorate it like that! Loved your answers! Happy New Year!

  2. Gosh, to be truthful, I would be quit frightful without makeup, lololol.

    I hope you have a lovely New Years Eve, my friend. smiles

  3. Fun questions and I enjoyed your answers! Happy New Year!!

  4. Hi Annie! I enjoyed your answers! I would love a root beer float right about now! Happy New Year to you and your family!!!

  5. I am smiling and chuckling to myself right now...sha-boom sha-boom! I have never heard of egg cream and I must admit it doesn't sound inviting to me. But....I visited the link you shared and oh my, I bet that's good. I enjoyed the music so much I had to turn the volume off so I could concentrate on reading the recipe! Happy New Year and sha-boom, sha-boom!

  6. Happy New Year Annie! We are pretty cold here for So Ca with the high in the low 50's and the lows close to freezing. I have never had egg cream. I don't think I have been up longer than 24 hours. What were you doing up for 48 hours?

  7. Loved to read your answers. Miss Marple is a favorite of mine. Never had an egg cream though. Happy New Year!

  8. Oh, I haven't had a real chocolate soda with vanilla ice-cream in years! I used to love to get those at Woolworths' or any soda counter that made real sodas. Does anyone do that nowadays? I also re-design other people's houses...not so much decorate as design...knock down walls, open up rooms/add windows...stuff like my head. If they ask me my opinion I will share it. Every where we have lived I have often wanted to do the same. Haven't always been able to do so. In this house we actually put up a wall to create a new master bedroom out of a large family room that had formerly been a porch. I think that is the first time I ever put up a wall in a house, even in my mind! LOL. Happy New Year, Annie. I have never been to PEI, but I would so love to visit Anne of Green Gables' home. Someday.

  9. I just realized this was last week's SS. Boy do I miss having egg creams from the candy store on the corner. I used to get a vanilla egg cream while everyone else would get a chocolate one. LOL! Have a day of blessings my friend.

  10. Lovely memories !
    Interesting how much nostalgia is tucked into food memories...
    Love your blog !
    Be well , my friend


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