Saturday, February 2, 2019

Saturday 9.. Backfield in Motion

The ponds and the bay are frozen over. Yes, it takes a cold, cold day to freeze over salt water. The waterfall, which is very powerful, on the big pond is frozen over as well and as I write this on Friday, snow is gently falling.

The frozen waterfall on the big pond. From my Art Blog, "A Passing Storm" which needs fixing and updating since Photobucket began charging big money for hosting photos.

How is the weather where you are?

Saturday 9 is becoming a habit here! Let's jump right in.

Saturday 9: Backfield in Motion (1969)

Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it  here!

1) This week's Saturday 9 has a football theme because there's a big game Sunday. Will you be watching?
I don't know. I might leave it on for the sound as my mother was a great fan. I do not enjoy spectator sports all that much unless it is school sports.

2) The Super Bowl is the second-largest day for food consumption in the US, second only to Thanksgiving. What's on your menu this weekend?
I would suppose that the menu for Super Bowl is mostly junk food but, I really don't eat junk food.
Now that I am reminded that this is coming up I might just make some chili on Sunday and serve it on hamburgers.

3) Super Bowl Sunday is the #1 day for consuming guacamole. When did you most recently eat something with avocado in it?
I have not had avocado in many, many years and I don't think my body likes it much.
I did, however, just have some wonderful Italian  artichoke hearts. They are called Carciofi Gratinati and you ain't lived at all until you have that! Trust me...In college out in  Ohio, my roommates dad made stuffed artichokes that were delicious, but Carciofi Gratinati.. which are artichoke hearts in a cheese topping are out of this world. In English/French we could call it artichokes au gratin.
4) The Pro Football Hall of Fame is in Canton, OH. Have you ever visited Canton, or any other city in Ohio?
I went to school in Ohio but I never made it to Canton. Most of my time was spent in Athens, Columbus and some trips to Cincinnati,and  Cleveland where many of my friends were from.
Athens, Ohio

5) This song mentions different moves that football players -- and, it seems, girlfriends -- can make that will result in penalties. What's the last rule you broke? What were the consequences?

Last time I broke rules was in school. Got detention and had to write a bunch of 5,000 word essays. I got very good at writing 5,000 word essays and can knock one out in no time at all. 

6) In 1969, the year this song was popular, the Colts lost to the New York Jets in Super Bowl III. The game is famous because of all the hype leading up to it, including Joe Namath "guaranteeing" his underdog Jets would win. Tell us about a time when you felt like an underdog.

Honestly I don't really feel that way and can't recall ever feeling like an under dog. Like many Americans I like to fight for people who seem to be underdogs. I don't like bullies.

7) This week's featured duo, Mel and Tim, are cousins from Mississippi. Tell us about one of your cousins.
My cousin Freda, who lives in Glasgow, Scotland was always a really sweet, religious girl.She tried to live in Canada and the USA but always returned home. Most of my family do not live in the United States. I have lost touch with Freda and not seen her since I was a teen.

8) The song is about a man who catches his girl cheating and he just won't put up with it. In romance, do you find it easy to forgive and forget?
Yes.  You can always forgive but you don't have to live with bad things being done to you.
9) Random question: You've collected a box of gently-used items to donate to a second hand store. What would it be most likely to contain: clothes, housewares, or books/video/music?

 I wear my clothes down to nothing, so it would contain housewares. 

Tomorrow is Sunday Stealing and I will be back for that. Will you join me?


  1. Love your frozen pond pictures. The weather here in Florida is warmer than it was earlier this is about 58 degrees this morning, which is better than the 30's we were having a few days ago. I know, it sounds like a heat wave to you! We will probably be watching the super bowl here, although I don't watch it...just the guys. Nothing special planned in the way of food...I'll have to think about that and come up with something. I love your picture of Ohio. I don't remember ever being in Athens, OH, but we lived in several different places in Ohio over the years, and my mother grew up there, so Ohio has a special place in my heart too. I don't eat avocado either. I don't like's a texture thing with me. You must have been a "wild one" in high school to have to write so many 5000 word essays. LOL!! You became an excellent writer in the process. So something good came out of it that has become a blessing for all of us to appreciate!! Have a wonderful weekend...and try to stay warm!!

  2. Your photos are gorgeous. So many people waste their time complaining about winter, but here you are, celebrating the beauty!

    Sounds like you were mischievous in school.

    1. I agree, it is a waste of time and your life to complain about weather every season.

  3. Beautiful! I am afraid I did complain this week when it was minus 20+--enough, lol. Today it was 35-36--a nice warm up and melted a lot of the snow.

    Thank you Annie for making me smile.

  4. Your pictures are beautiful! It is actually in the 60's here in Missouri today. That will last couple of days and then we will be cold again.
    Annie! Your 5,000 word essays! How funny. I am sure it made you a better writer. Hahahahaha Loved your answers! Have a nice weekend.

  5. Woke up yesterday to a lovely surprise...the Christmas lights were left up - the dangling , fringe-type - each bulb now sported tiny icicles that greeted the rising sun with sparkles ! pretty !
    Avoided the sports and watched Discovery channel's "Barnwood Builders" interesting to hear about the pioneers who built the hand-hewn beams . The one I liked was about a barn in Pennsylvania , built in 1830 by the family's greatgrandfather ! The host and his team carefully deconstruct the barn , using the wood for reclaimed wood flooring , furniture , etc ., and the frame was to be moved to become a home !
    Thank you for sharing !


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