Saturday, February 23, 2019


Everyone dreams.  Sometimes you remember them, sometimes you don't but we all have them every night and some of us dream by day.
Do you day dream?

No.9 Dream was written a  by John Lennon.
Saturday 9 is about that song and I am joining in on this cloudy, chilly, iffy weathered day.

Saturday 9: No. 9 Dream (1974) 

Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here.

1) John Lennon liked the number 9. It shows up in three of his songs (in addition to this song, he performed "Revolution #9" and "The One after 909" with the Beatles). He was born on the 9th of October, as was his son Sean. Coincidentally, "No. 9 Dream" hit #9 on the Billboard chart. Do you have a favorite number?

 Not favorite but I usually choose 6's and 16's.

2) The phrase repeated in the chorus, "Ah bowakawa pousse pousse" means nothing. It's gibberish that John sang until he could come up with "real" lyrics for this melody. Then he decided he liked the sound of it, so he kept it. Can you think of a word that's fun to say just because you like how it sounds?


3) John referred to "No. 9 Dream" as an example of "craftsmanship writing." A snatch of the melody just came to him and he got it down on a tape recorder, wrote lyrics, arranged it and recorded it in short order because he needed another song to finish the LP, Walls and Bridges. What's the last thing that you did because you were supposed to or you had to, and not because you wanted to?

Some  graphic design jobs.

4) Yet once "No. 9 Dream" was recorded, it became one of John's favorite of his solo songs. He loved its ethereal feel. Tell us about something that turned out better than you thought it would.

Going to the movies. Usually don't want to be bothered, then love it once I am there. The theater we go to has new recliners and is so comfortable too. 

5) When he was working, John drank a lot of tea, as many as 30 cups in a day. Do you take your tea with cream, sugar, honey, or lemon?

I grew up in a  British household so tea was a staple since I was very little.
I drank tea with milk and 2 teaspoons of sugar until I decided at age 14 to stop the sugar and put it down to 1/8 teaspoon of sugar. Finally I stopped all sugar and cannot stand sugar today.  I take my tea with some milk.
Lemon.. no honey.. is saved for times I might have a cold. Other than that tea without milk is not good for you as the tannin  will make your bladder like leather. Lemon takes the enamel off your teeth.

6) During his reclusive years (1975 to 1980), John didn't have household help, preferring to take care of his young son and housework himself. He did, however, have a chauffeur on call around the clock. If you could afford to a staff of one, what single thing would you have him/her do?

I would love a chauffeur  and a maid to clean my floors and vacuum. I would also have a gardener.

7) When John was a boy, he requested water colors and colored pencils for his birthday and at Christmastime. Do you recall a special birthday or Christmas gift you received as a child?

Yes. When I was 11 or so I received a definitive book on Indians of the Americas and a pair of authentic leather moccasins.

8) Beatles producer George Martin said John was "a completely impractical man." Would you describe yourself as impulsive, with flashes of practicality? Or are you practical, with flashes of impulsivity?

I am not just one thing or one way. I can be either depending on the day and the situation.

9) Random question -- Congratulations! You just won the Saturday 9 Sweepstakes, and the prize is your choice of a boat or a motorcycle. Which one do you take?

I would take the boat.  Hopefully it is this lovely ketch. Thank you very much.

 Tomorrow I will be back for Sunday Stealing.


  1. I just listened to this song a few minutes ago while visiting with Terri over at "Your Friend from Florida". I had never heard this song before! I never really listened to John Lennon after he left The Beatles, but that was at a busy time in my life, raising my own family and having our own "Dreams". I love your word...tintinnabulation. That's a good one. I drink my hot tea with a spoonful of sugar or honey if in the mood for it. Lemon if it is available, but it seldom is at home. Iced tea unsweetened with lemon. I am not a typical southern gal with sweet tea... Unsweet is much more refreshing and healthier. I would love a housekeeper and a cook. I could then spend all my time outside taking pictures or inside writing/reading...or having dinner parties that I don't have to cook and clean for. That would be delightful. I hope you have a blessed and happy day. Do you still have your moccasins? That was a neat gift.

  2. I didn't even think about having help outside, but a gardener...someone with more talent for planning and laying out the flower beds would be lovely!

  3. I have a pair of moccasins and love them!! Have a great Saturday!!

  4. Im with you, I love those recliners at the theater... we dont have them here, but while in Boston my daughter took me to see the live action Beauty and the Beast because it was always our favoite Disney while she was growing up.. We reclined and held hands and cried and swooned through it together.. I guess it was the recliners.. maybe it was a lot of things!!!

  5. Thanks for your visit to my Saturday 9 today! I enjoyed your answers. We answered the same on a few of them!

  6. I would also take the boat! There is nothing like being on the water. Loved your answers! Have a nice weekend.

  7. Oh the bells bells bells! The tintinnabulation of the bells, bells, bells! Great word. (Great poem!) I wear moccasins still; they help my plantar fasciitis even though it goes against everything the doctors tell you.


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