Sunday, February 24, 2019

It's Sunday and We Are Stealing!

Rain and winds   up to 60mph are announcing that March and her winds are not far off. It is in the 40sF today but another cold front is moving in bringing high wind warnings along the coast.
I don't mean to bore anyone with weather posting but I do them for my own benefit. I keep this blog as a sort of a journal, though lately I have not written in it like I once did back in the beginning.(You can see the difference if you click on  My Original Blog icon at the top).
Today I will be answering questions from Sunday Stealing. The questions come from Compassion International.

1. What is the most fun thing you have ever done?

Ice skating on the pond and drinking hot cocoa in the shed with the pot belly stove at Galloping Hill. It was especially fun on super windy days when you could open your coat and be blown across the pond at high speed! I loved ice skating!

2. Are you left-handed or right-handed?
    Right handed

3. What is the nicest thing someone has ever done for you?

My good friends Jacqueline and Bernie had us over to their apartment the night my daughter passed away and then invited me to spend some time at their beach house.  Jackie, Bernie and I were 20 and my husband was 24 and we all were living in apartments near Princeton, NJ .
The next day they took me to the boardwalk to keep me busy as my daughters twin was in the hospital for observation.
 This is one of the hardest things for people to do. Most do not know how to handle bereaved people and so they don't do it at all. Not them. They were the only people who stepped up to the plate. Everyone else abandoned us.
 I will never forget it. They were there 100% for my then husband David and me..
4. What is the biggest animal you’ve seen in the wild?
  Moose , mountain lion  and bears.

5. What is the smallest animal you’ve seen in the wild?
    A baby mouse.

6. Do you ever have funny dreams at night?
Yes and they make me laugh.

7. If you could make a law for your country, what would it be?
   You must be a citizen to own land or own a business or home. And, I would require real proof of citizenship to vote or take office.

8. What would you do if you were invisible for a day?
Go to Washington DC and pinch all the liars every time they      open their mouths! I would be super busy pinching the           Republicans and Democrats who are the biggest liars in the       world today.

9. If you could be someone else for a day, who would you be?
No one else, just me.

10. What would you like to change about yourself?
I would remove all infirmity.

11. What is your daily routine.
The only routine is having coffee and doing housework.

12. What would your perfect day be like?
  Feeling good, doing things outdoors.

13. How old were you when you learned to read?

I don't remember. Probably in the first grade.

14. What is the most interesting thing you know?
Lots of things about anthropology and archaeology.

15. What makes you nervous?

 It depends.

16. What is your favourite flower?

Black Eyed Susans

17. Have you ever ridden on a horse or any other animal?
  Yes, I have ridden lots of horses.

18. What time do you go to bed?
Most of my life it was 10PM. Lately it varies a lot.

19. What time do you get up?
 I get up when I wake up.

20. Do you know how to swim?
 Yes I do.

Until tomorrow, have a beautiful day ahead my friends.


  1. Your # 3 was so amazing.. Im still breathing hard!!! God bless you and your friends!

  2. Yeah, suppose to be crazy winds here in eastern PA the next few days. That's great that you had people there for you during your time of horrible grief.

  3. I am so sorry you lost a child at such a young age. That must have been incredibly difficult. I am glad you had people there to help you through it.

  4. I really don't want to discuss this weather. That stupid rodent lied, lied I'll tell you (lololol). Apologies for not being around --little busy around here. Been keeping the kid in prayer while she is at Rutgers.

    1. Its his job to lie. Thanks for prayers. She has had a stalker , and meningitis is making the rounds. I bet you are busy with school for sure! Almost done though!

  5. If I become invisible can I go to Washington DC with you? I would like to punch a few of those liars too. Sorry to hear about your baby, my daughter also lost a baby, he was 12 days old. I sleep until I wake up too, that's one of the nice things about being retired! AND...I enjoy reading the weather reports from other bloggers, it's interesting to me.

  6. Hi Annie, I really enjoyed your Sunday Stealing answers. I especially felt our kinship on the lost of our children. Even with family and friends around me I felt so alone. I think it was such a blessing to you on how your friends stepped up with you. #8 had me clapping at your answer. Have a blessed day ahead my friend.

  7. I enjoyed reading your answers Annie. Have an awesome rest o your week.

  8. Hello , my friend !
    Lovely header...I enjoy them all !
    Insightful prayers support your wishes for #10 and more .
    So nice to be here again !


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