Friday, February 22, 2019

Peace Outside/Inside

It is so good to be outdoors looking at the beautiful things in the world.
And the best thing is, nature never complains.
It is always happy with its lot in life, it seems.
People, on the other hand, are never satisfied and something is always too much, too little..too something or other.
 I am joining today with Friday Fotos.( no link up anymore), Skywatch Friday and My Corner of the World.As usual, all photos are clickable to enlarge and taken in my own neighborhood.

 By the rocks, a few people are arguing about politics.
It is good to hear. Too many are ostrich's with their heads in the sand waiting for things to go well but doing nothing about it. One walks away from the others and comes by me. "I'll pray about things. God will fix it."
I answer with "The old Arab saying is, pray to God but tie up your camel"   Yes, God helps those who help themselves. When calamity comes, this woman will wonder what hit her but the love of the lukewarm is pervasive in America today. It is the era of the snowflake. Let someone else do it. Let someone else battle it out.
They are defeated before they begin and offended by life.
Rabbi Nachman of Breslov said: “If you believe that you can ruin, then believe that you can fix.”

Sometimes the sky is at war with the earth and sends down lightning bolts to shock her into sensibility.  There is no peace on the earth in reality. A struggle goes on daily and we are all part of it.

Earth shudders from heaven's assaults  but survives nonetheless.

The same sky that sends bolts of lightning, wind, rain and snow,  also sends awesome skies.

The earth sometimes retreats into hushed solitude.  
The woods are silent during a gentle snowfall and it is frigid out.
 Alone in the woods I can hear myself breathing. It is good to know when to be silent.
"Whoever restrains his words has knowledge,
    and he who has a cool spirit is a man of understanding.
 Even a fool who keeps silent is considered wise;
    when he closes his lips, he is deemed intelligent."..proverbs

Sunlight cannot be stopped.  
It's long rays find a way to brighten a happy little corner of the kitchen making it special and beautiful.
What do we lighten up?

Why place a bouquet on a table? Really.. of what use is it? But you know the answer. It fills in a void and pleases the eye, creating a calming influence.
Can people do this even in the midst of an argument or heated discussion?  
Of course they can if things are viewed correctly. If one sees their purpose as light inserted into   darkness, that is.
You don't always have to be right. Sometimes its enough to just be there.

On the blog, I have painted a new seagull background and I am working on more paintings to use as headers.
Until tomorrow and Saturday 9.. be safe, be involved, be calm.


  1. Your images and writings both have a 'calming influence'. Thanks...

  2. This was so beautiful, Ann. I loved the thoughts contained herein...and the sunlight in the corner...and your header is so perfect. Yes, I agree we need to be light in the midst of this present darkness. Sometimes I have to retreat, however, and recharge my light's batteries, as they become weary and rundown in the struggle of life. But thankfully, with God as my battery charger, I can come back stronger than ever. So thankful to know when to stop and think, and when to go again. Your photos were powerful along with your words. Thank you.

  3. Beautiful photos. I smiled at the thought of lightning bolts being sent down to shock us into sensibility. We need more lightning bolts!!

  4. Beautiful photos. I enjoyed your deep thoughts too. Your scriptures point to a situation I was dealing with just last week where a dear friend pointed out that my words and demeanour had a marked cooling effect on a woman who had been very forceful with us though it did take some time to get there :-)

  5. you have some nice captures here. Thanks for sharing :)

  6. Love the photos Annie. You are a natural writer my friend. I love your written thoughts along with your fantastic photos. I'm sorry to hear Debbie's Friday Foto Friends is no longer. Have a day of blessings. I'll be posting again starting tomorrow.

  7. I really like your photos! But, I will keep out of your politics....:)


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