z Cottage by the Sea : An Icy Cold Friday
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Friday, February 1, 2019

An Icy Cold Friday

It's bitterly cold here with windchill  temperatures below 0 F.
 I don't mind it  but I pray for the animals and birds.  I am warm inside, after all, safely bundled up in warm clothing.

 Here are  some random photos for Sky Watch Friday and Friday Foto Friends. I hope you enjoy seeing them.

 Snowing by the Bay on a icy cold day.

Crystalline trees create a magical look to the woods

Until tomorrow and Saturday 9.. Take care.


  1. Beautiful photos Annie. The cold has been horrible here too. I also worry about the homeless that are out there and pray they have shelter and warmth. Love your little siggie.

  2. I think about the homeless and the animals, too. Great fotos, as always .. and I love the little graphics. Have a great weekend! 💜

  3. That old phrase comes to mind..."This weather is fit for neither man ,nor beast !" .
    Oh , that we ALL could hunker in..warm , well-provisioned and wireless-ly connected to all we love...for the whole winter...a version of waking hibernation...emerging in the Spring , grateful and joyous !
    Thank you , again , for your lovely photos !
    Have a terrific day , my friend !

  4. Love your winter photos best...that crystalline view of the trees...I remember that when we lived in the northern climes...I loved how the sunlight sparkled through the ice on the trees, yes, definitely making it all appear like crystals. And I guess those truly are crystals...even if they only last until the sun melts them, but they are so perfectly beautiful. God creates such glorious beauty for us to enjoy even on the most frigid days. I hope you are snug as a bug in a rug!! And yes, the birdies and wildlife...I know God has provided ways for them to keep warm, but when it is this cold you do have to pray and wonder. And yet...His eye is on the sparrow...and I know He watches me...

  5. Very pretty shots. I always enjoy your beach shots. Stay warm, and have a nice weekend!

  6. Great pictures today! Good to hear you're staying in and staying warm. I've been watching the news and know how very cold it's been up there. Hope it starts to warm up soon. Have a great weekend.


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