Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Tuesday 4

Hello friends!
Today I am joining with Toni for Tuesday 4 Meme. These memes make blogging fun for me.
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1.   What song will always remind you of a favorite time in your life?

Theme from  A Summer Place. I saw that movie on TV and fell in love with it and the theme song. The music embodies all that is perfect about life in a Summer Place. Since I live in a "summer place" it was perfect.

2.   What did you do on your past birthday?

I don't remember. Nothing much I'd say.  But... the Little made me my first birthday cake ever!

3.   What was the best thing you ever bought?

My piano. I play, the Famous Anonymous plays also. My mother played and my grandmother was a professional pipe organist and teacher. My father could play honky tonk music like no one's business!

4.   What do you wish you'd done less of in your lifetime?

           I wish I'd never got married.

See you tomorrow for Wednesday Haiku!


  1. I think it's so wonderful to be able to play piano Annie. That was the first instrument I wanted to learn but my parents couldn't afford one at the time. I taught myself to play by ear on a friend's piano as a young child but couldn't play today at all. Loved your #4 answer too ha-ha as I say the same. Have a day of blessings my friend.

  2. I wish I could play piano. That is one thing I wish I had done. Loved your answers! Happy Tuesday!


  3. But Ann, you wouldn't have your "little", and the "Famous Anonymous", etc., if you'd never gotten married. I'm sorry that is was not a happy experience for you, but at least God has blessed you with sweet people around you now as a result. So sometimes blessings do come out of hard times. (((hugs))) I love the song "Summer Place"...and I can tell that would be a good song for you. I wish I could hear you play your piano. It's wonderful that you have that. I wish I could play. Sometimes I make up music on our organ. But no one else seems to appreciate it. I hope you are having a good week. Blessings to you, dear friend.

  4. I love Summer Place too, it's one that's at the top of my list!! I think it's great that you play the piano, I've always wished I could. I do play a little, very little. Hope you're having a very blessed and happy day.

  5. It would be fun to have a piano. We have a small keyboard that I have yet to learn to play. Have a great day!


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