Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Some Wednesday Haiku

Today is partly cloudy and 32F.

Simplicity is the hallmark of good Japanese Haiku.
Simple should be the hall mark of a good life as well. We should ban excess clutter from our minds and our homes and use only what we need rather than living lives of unending consumerism.
What do you think?

“Over the wintry forest, winds howl in rage with no leaves to blow.”
 ----Haiku by Natsume Soseki (1275-1351) 

“All Heaven and Earth

Flowered white obliterate...

Snow...unceasing snow”

...   Japanese Haiku by Hashin

“None is traveling

       Here along this way but I,

      This autumn evening.”

(haiku by Matsuo Basho 1644-1694)

Not much is left of wintertime but I intend to enjoy every second of it as much as possible.
Until tomorrow, be well.


  1. Simplicity in life absolutely. As much as I hate winter as everyone knows, I love seeing photos of winter white snow. Yours are wonderful but my favorite is your Autumn eve travel road. I love the Haiku sayings. Have a blessed day my friend.

  2. I am aiming toward a more simplistic life and home when we move. It is not as easy as it sounds. But I am going to give it a good try. We have been the keepers of the family heirlooms for many years. No one else wants them...I love the memories of our family gatherings and people who were so it is not easy to just let these things go to strangers. But there is much other clutter that has no meaning that needs to go first. One step at a time, one day at a time. I cleaned one closet this week, and am starting on's a beginning. Have a blessed day.

  3. Hello Ann,
    I am finding as I go through the house, removing the clutter and creating organization room by room, that I'm feeling much better...I am even thinking clearer. It is amazing to me. And, so, yes, I do totally agree with your thoughts at the beginning of this post...use only what we need and do away with this idea of consumerism that our culture is so filled with. Maybe that is the reason that I enjoy the Haiku.


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