Saturday, March 2, 2019

Saturday's Come Saturday Morning

It snowed all night Thursday and last night rain washed it all away.  Spring comes in a few weeks and everyone is so excited except me.
   Almost everyone I know talks about how they hate the things, weather, politics. You can even lose friends over your political opinions which is obscene in a democratic republic that supposedly prides itself on tolerance. 
  Just my opinion folks. Love me or leave me.
On another note I am hearing song birds this morning.

Saturday 9: Come Saturday Morning (1969)
Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here.

1) What are your plans for this Saturday morning?
Nothing planned.

2) In this song, a man sings of going away for the day with a friend. Where did you go on your last day trip?
It was so long ago I don't remember anymore.

3) The lyrics say, "we will remember long after Saturday's gone." What's something you've done recently that you predict you'll remember for a long time to come?
 I don't think I have done anything recently that I will recall for a long time.

4) This song was the Oscar-nominated theme from the movie The Sterile Cuckoo. What's the first movie song that pops into your head?
Chim Chim Cheree.. from Mary Poppins.

5) In the movie, Liza Minnelli played Mary Ann Adams, an eccentric girl everyone called "Pookie." Have you ever been known by a memorable nickname? Who gave it to you?
Hardly memorable but  I was called Angie in high  school.

6) Today's group began their career as The Grads. Recording artist/producer Herb Alpert liked their sound but hated their name. Alpert picked "sandpiper" at random out of the dictionary. Do you still have and use a bound dictionary? Or do you rely on the internet for word searches and spelling?
While I have a bound dictionary I use the internet.

7) The biggest news story of 1969, the year this song was popular, was one of the biggest news stories of all time. On July 20, Neil Armstrong stepped foot on the moon. Other than the moon landing, what's the most consequential event that you've seen in your lifetime. How do you feel it changed America, and the world?
The hideous coup of 911 that took away many American freedoms with the ridiculous and unconstitutional  patriot act and proved you can't trust any nation even your own.

8)1969 was a big year for music festivals, with Atlanta, Toronto and Woodstock all holding famous fests. Have you visited Georgia, Ontario or New York (state)?
I've been in all three.

9) Random question -- According to some plant enthusiasts, house plants do better when they're spoken to. Do you talk to your plants?
I talked to my over the door Wisteria plant which seemed to enjoy it. Wisteria grows like wild fire in my sandy back yard.

Back tomorrow for Sunday Stealing.


  1. I posted this other day, but I'm just tired of snow...bring on spring and warmer weather, just saying, lol. I have a nickname; Honey.

    AND I just ended a friendship (well, taking a break) with a friend/professor; she pretty much told me to shut up if I knew what was good for our friendship (in reference to Michael Cohen's testimony). So, there you have it, the left is not tolerant at all. I took it akin to shut up and sit down, nobody puts "Honey" in a corner, Just saying, lol.

  2. We all seem to have dictionaries, yet none of us use them anymore.

  3. Would you believe 9/11 never crossed my mind for # 7 which surprised even me after reading yours and Lori's answer. I guess too many bad memories of losing a cousin and other family members who were in NY at the time. Have a blessed day Annie.

  4. Have you seen the new Mary Poppins? Have a great Saturday!

  5. 9/11 was the event I posted about too. It was pretty traumatic for me. I was fine and I did not lose anyone, but it was so scary for the nation. Loved your answers! Have a nice weekend, I will see you tomorrow for SS!!


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