Monday, March 11, 2019

Four Senses

Hey Friends!
Monday was a sleepy day. The little was so sleepy she came home from school and fell asleep under the big fur blanket on the recliner.  We both felt just awful with tiredness.  This daylight saving time is just ugly. She is now going to school in the pitch dark  in the morning!  Imagine kids in elementary school standing around on corners waiting for the school bus while the sun hasn't come up yet.
Congress is a mess and should all be fired. We need huge change in this nation.

 It will be a  sunny Tuesday today and Toni has provided another meme for us to round things out.
Here are my answers.
 What are yours? Put them up on your blog and let us know!
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The bay. Click to enlarge.

1.   I love the taste of:   New Jersey style Italian hot dogs  which are deep fried hot dogs on a sub bun with deep fried potatoes, red and green peppers, onions,etc.  Delicious!

2.   I love the sight of:  the bay

3.   I love the touch of : soft fur.

4.   I love the smell of : Balsam firs,  pine and cedar that grow here. So fresh and clean!


  1. I enjoyed your post today. I think the time change is awful. My grand kids had a hard time getting up too. I am so thankful to be retired! Love you header Anne.

  2. I too wish they would leave the time alone. In this day and age who would want the school children waiting outside in the dark for the school bus. You made me hungry with your New Jersey Italian style hot dogs. I can't eat deep fry anymore but I sure miss having one. I agree with Susan your header is great. Have a blessed day ahead my friend.

  3. That hot dog sounds amazing!! Have a great Tuesday!!

  4. Love the smell of pine, cedar, etc. We don't have Balsam Fir here in Florida, but lots of pines and cedars. I know, this daylight savings time is brutal the first few weeks. I do feel sorry for the kids waiting for school buses, etc., in the dark. But I do love the extra sunlight in the evening. I can get outside and take a walk, water the flowers, etc. That Jersey style hot dog sounds really amazing! Would love to try one of those someday. Don't think I've ever seen one like that before!! I hope you have a blessed and beautiful day, after you wake up, that is. LOL.

  5. Now I am SO hungry for a NJ Italian style hot dog. I've never eaten one before, but your description made my mouth water.

    The time change is so hard to endure in March. I guess it does make for longer days with daylight, but I don't really care to wake up in the mornings to darkness outside.

  6. I agree with all of your morning sentiments... it is too dark for kiddies to be standing at the bus stop... and our government... well,best not go there! But I love your view of the bay!!!!

  7. Daylight savings is hard on all of us, and I hope they do get to change it back to just standard time, that would be wonderful! Leave well enough alone! Your poor little darling! I enjoyed your picture of the bay, and I too love the smell of pines, so rich and spicy. I have never had a NJ fried hot dog, but my word, now I want one! They sound soo yummy! Have a blessed day :)

  8. Oh yum! I would love to try those hotdogs! They sound wonderful! Loved your answers! Have a great Tuesday!


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