Sunday, March 10, 2019

Queen.. Sunday Stealing

Hi Friends!

Welcome to a rainy, cold and dark Sunday morning on the first day of daylight savings time. I hope they eventually do away with it.
I am linking up with Sunday Stealing this morning.
This week's questions are based on the rock group Queen and their song titles.

Bohemian Rhapsody - What matters to you more than anything in the world?
my family
Don’t Stop Me Now - What makes you feel unstoppable?
good thoughts
Another One Bites The Dust - What one thing would you wipe off the face of the earth?
Under Pressure - How stressed are you currently?
A bit....
We Will Rock You - What was the last concert you went to?
Ummm.....Trans Siberian Railroad
Somebody To Love - Are you looking for somebody to love?
Yes I am.
We Are The Champions - What achievement are you most proud of?
My kids
Radio GaGa - What do you think of today’s popular music?

It's great.
There are two  songs I  currently really like.. Death of a Bachelor and Tequila by Dan+Shay.

I Want To Break Free - If you could move to any part of the world, where would you want to live?
I am okay here. If I absolutely had to leave this country, I suppose Canada, Great Britain or Australia.

Love Of My Life - Have you ever had your heart broken?
Yes.  Big time.

Killer Queen - What is your favourite thing about yourself?
That I keep trying.  A song that suits me is On and On by Stephen Bishop. You can hear it here.

The Show Must Go On - What is something you will never give up?
My family

Crazy Little Thing Called Love - Name some of your favourite musicians.
There are a lot of them but I guess I really always love anything by

Who Wants To Live Forever - If you could be immortal, would you
Not sure it would be a good thing really.

Fat Bottomed Girls - What are some traits you look for in a partner?
good character, competency.

I Want It All - If you could have anything in the world, what would it be?
good health and happiness


  1. Hi Annie, we both agree on the immortal thing and the same on many others. Have a day of blessing my friend.

  2. On and on, and you keep on trying. And you smile when you feel like dying, on and on, on and on . . . that's one of my favorites, too, if that's the song it is (didn't click the link yet).

  3. Good health and happiness are great things to wish for! Loved your answers! Have a great day!

  4. Loved your answers and I agree with most of them, smiles. Hope you have a lovely week ahead, my friend.

  5. I'd heard "On and On" before, but had never listened to the lyrics. I enjoyed it. Thanks.

  6. Enjoyed your answers.
    I love LOVE the Trans Siberian Orchestra.. There are so many amazing new groups and voices out there... Wonderful stuff! and Steven Bishop's music....It has the swaying rhythms that are sort of, "Hawaiian" or Jamaican.
    Yes, Let's do away with Daylight savings time! The dog is SO done with it, and so am I.

  7. Wow, I guess I never listened to all of Queen's songs before, but they did have some good ones that I do remember. Your answers are good. Yes, Daylight Savings time always throws me off for at least a week. My body has to adjust to the change, and it doesn't like it. Thankful that I don't have to get up and go to work every day anymore. That is always difficult esp. this first week. I hope you have a blessed and beautiful week, filled with only good things and sweet moments with your family nearby.

  8. I hope you get the good health and happiness you long to have.


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