April showers bring May flowers they used to say.
Questions for Sunday Stealing are from Curious as a Cat site.
1. I wish I had enough money to _buy a bigger house that was better for a disabled person. Tiny houses and disabilities don't mix well_______.
2. If you had to enter a competition for the "Most Uselessly Unique Talent," what would your talent be?
I can do foreign accents pretty well.
3. When it might hurt their feelings, how do you feel about telling your friends the truth?
Only if they truly want to know the truth and ask for it in no uncertain terms. Otherwise no. Most people do not like truth at all.
4. Peanut or plain? peanut
5. Is there someone you would like to take your place in life for one day? Who and why?
Most people so they could know how it feels and what is it like most have no idea.
6. Who was your favorite teacher and why?
I suppose my history teacher who taught me some Russian. He was just an all around very nice man. Other than that I had no use for most teachers , some of whom I really disliked a lot.
Side note: I got a note home from the Little's 3rd grade teacher saying "She could of done better."
Really ? I wanted to write a note back saying: ugliest
"Dear teacher, you could HAVE done better as well, couldn't you?. There is no such thing as could of, or should of or would of. It is could have or could've, should've or would've,which are, for your information, contractions for could have, should have and would have. Perhaps you need to take a course in English grammar before you write about the problems of your students, God help them". Love.. MeI didn't, though my own mother would have and did!
This, by the way, is the level of graduate our colleges and universities are grinding out today. They can't read, write or speak the language with any degree of proficiency. They've had to change the grading system, lowering things down so these idiots can pass. Even Mensa has lowered it's scores so people can join. Awful stuff.
7. What do you think is the ugliest thing or event on Earth?
One of them, there are several, is Adam throwing Eve under the bus and then blaming his own reprehensible actions on God . "That woman YOU gave me". What an irresponsible all around loser he was. Jewish history tells us she left him for almost 500 years. Why she ever came back is beyond me. And, no, God is not an idiot who made this jerk the CEO of his marriage. A person in charge must not be irresponsible liar who fails to take responsibility for his actions. This is not the hallmark of a leader and God doesn't choose losers.
Did you know that the Hebrew in God's talk to Eve is the same as by His talk to Cain? God tells both of them that if they fail to follow him and choose to follow someone or something else, then something or someone else will lead them around by the nose and they will end up in pain and misery.
8. What is your least favorite of your personality traits or quirks?
Being quick to judge sometimes.
9. I wish I could see myself : with a chauffeur and tons of money because it would be cool. I could repair my house and get out more.
10. Tell us your favorite children's story.
The Land of Green Ginger. "It is the story of Abu Ali, the son of Aladdin (who is now emperor of China). Abu Ali's first words are "Button-nosed tortoise", which immediately mark him out as fated to perform an important task when he grows up. On reaching maturity, Abu Ali duly sets out on his quest (the hero's journey), has various adventures, and struggles to do good whilst foiling the schemes of the Wicked Princes, Rubdub Ben Thud and Tintac Ping Foo."from Wikipedia
11. Explain how to play your favorite game.
You try to guess a word from clues.
12. What do you keep in the trunk of your car? blanket, sand, shovel,flashlight(torch), flares, food, water.
13. Tell us about your favorite way to get lost in a simple activity — running, chopping vegetables, folding laundry, whatever. What’s it like when you’re in "the zone"?
Never thought it was favorite way to get lost.. as I don't seek to get lost... but I get wrapped up in playing piano. In the zone I hear people talk but don't answer until I am done.
14. What’s your dream tourist destination — either a place you’ve been and loved, or a place you’d love to visit? What about it speaks to you?
I have it all here in NJ. Mountains to the north, ocean all down the east coast, farmlands to the west, the most delicious tomatoes in the USA bar none. Victorian towns that rock!
I suppose the only other place I would want to go is Prince Edward Island which I do love for the people and the atmosphere.
15. What parts of nature do you like best? All parts of it. I love being outside.
16. What kind of program do you enjoy most on TV--detective shows, comedies, game shows--and why? I just finished binge watching Miss Fisher a murder mystery that is set in the 1920s. It is a favorite era. I like Poirot, Miss Marple , MIss Fisher and other mystery programs and books of that era.
17. Do you know any professional athletes? Yes, several of them. One very famous football player and one pro-basketball player who went to my high school and I grew up with a girl whose nephew is a football player also but I guess that doesn't count. My town here is home to a baseball player who I know to say hi to on the streets. He pitched 19 seasons for the New York Yankees and the Mets and graduated from our high school here.
18. What will the next must-have technological innovation be? Jetpacks? Hoverboards? Wind-powered calculators?
It will be in AI but it is going in an ugly direction of inventions for war.
19. Have you ever been the victim of a crime? Yes.
20. What if you woke up tomorrow with the ability to understand animals. What do you think you’d
How mistreated they are, how they love the fresh air and hate being cooped up.
21.What is something that makes you melancholy?
Questions like this.
We are expecting the same storm later tonight. Here in South Jersey, near Philadelphia, we are right on the dividing line...we might get snow, we might get rain, or that dangerous in-between stuff...sleet and freezing rain. Stay safe.
ReplyDeleteI don't drive, but I've written articles about car safety, so I'm very happy to see the contents of your trunk. Good girl!
ReplyDeleteI totally agree on #1 and love your #6 as I've had that experience with one of my boys. The rest of your answers are right on Annie. I enjoyed reading your post. We are in for a snow storm supposedly starting at 4pm and continuing until tomorrow at 10am. I'm truly not loving this winter. LOL! Have a great Sunday my friend.
ReplyDeleteI prefer the truth--and I am brutally honest--my mouth has no filter, unfort. I would have corrected the teacher. Under a storm warning here in Western NY. It is 28*, the temps have dropped.
ReplyDeleteI agree with you on #6! I do not like it when educators send notes with so many errors to the parents. It is unprofessional. That happened at my son's school in a newsletter and the parents ripped the school apart making fun of them, etc. Loved your answers! Have a nice day!
I like your answer to six. You must be a great editor, or would be if you aren't one.
ReplyDeleteAs far as 7, I read that Lilith came first, but Adam rejected her because of her desire for equality. And then that Eve wasn't told about the tree, meaning Adam might have prompted her to eat an apple because he was curious, and also meaning that he could have saved her (and the world) from sin if he explained the rules. I don't know if any of that is true or not, and probably won't know while alive.
Yeah, a few of these questions brought up some feelings for me, too.
Hmmm, Lots of interesting information here...especially about Eve...never heard that she left Adam before, so I guess I need to go research that info. Yes, the teacher note is disturbing, and I agree with your assessment... I do wish we lived closer and I was available to come and visit and/or take you out and about so we could see things together. I'm sure we would enjoy seeing much of the same kinds of things in God's beautiful world. I hope your weather has calmed down...some places (AL. and GA) had some pretty fierce storms yesterday. WE had heavy rains through the night last night, but thankfully nothing serious. Spring is trying to make its entrance into the land... I pray your week will be pleasant and that the sun will soon be shining and flowers will be blooming. Have a blessed day my friend.
ReplyDeleteInteresting answers! I think it is amazing that even though God knew beforehand that Eve would take he forbidden fruit and that Adam would eat it, He still created them any way. He just set in place a plan beforehand (Jesus) to get things right again.
ReplyDeleteBeautiful scenes.