z Cottage by the Sea : A Blustery, Chilly Day in May

Sunday, May 12, 2019

A Blustery, Chilly Day in May

Chilly, blustery, rainy is how you would describe today on the New Jersey shore.
The sound of  moaning, whining winds rushes through the cedars and pines all around. Leaves are quaking in the wild wind , the surf is being temperamentally choppy and rain falls intermittently. No birds sing, and except for the wind and the occasional  car venturing out, all is quiet.
Yesterday, a neighbors home caught fire and they are on vacation in Florida. So sad and such a beautiful home too.  The fire marshal was interviewing everyone.  Just too sad. My daughter was sick to her stomach from it all night and couldn't sleep well, it upset her so much.  Please pray for this family that insurance helps them and has them back home in record time.

Today is Sunday and so a bit of stealing is in order.

1. Do you own your things or do your things own you?
I own my things. I am no longer much interested in having stuff.

2. Would you rather lose all of your old memories or never be able to make new ones?
Lose all the old ones.

3. How do you deal with someone in a position of power who wants you to fail?
I know someone else in a bigger position of power who wants me to win, so.. I don't worry about it much.

4. What do you have that you cannot live without?
My life.

5. When you close your eyes what do you see?
Impressions in the dark.

6. What sustains you on a daily basis?
God Almighty.

7. What are your top five personal values?
All five are summed up in this:  “Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one.   You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might.
8. Why must you love someone enough to let them go?
Love is unselfish.

9. Do you ever celebrate the green lights?
I have no idea what this refers to and Google is of not much help on it.  I like the look of green lights
Philadelphia green celebrating the Eagles
but I don't celebrate them, I just enjoy them.

10. What personal prisons have you built out of fears?
I used to be afraid of people and their opinions. I have since broken out of that prison.

11. What one thing have you not done that you really want to do?
     Fix my house!
12. Why are you, you?
Because the memory of generations past is found in my DNA. It predisposes us to be a certain way... "blood will tell". Of course we are not locked into that but it does play a part. All of the experiences I have had come to play in who I am as well.  My religious upbringing also plays a very strong part in who I am as well.

13. If you haven’t achieved it yet what do you have to lose?
It depends on what it is. Somethings can cost you your life, sanity or well being and are simply not worth it.  With some activities you are simply tempting God.

14. What three words would you use to describe the last three months of your life?

15. Is it ever right to do the wrong thing?  Is it ever wrong to do the right thing?
Yes to both questions. Example:   I will lie to save a life. I will not tell the truth to save a life.

16. How would you describe ‘freedom’ in your own words?
 Living a life that keeps the law of God is the only way you can be free. Lust, greed, envy,etc are masters who can keep a person enslaved.  You have as many masters as you have vices.

17. What is the most important thing you could do right now in your personal life?
Be better at interpersonal relationships and other things I do on a daily basis.

18. If you could ask one person, alive or dead, only one question, who would you ask and what would you ask?

You can't ask the dead anything as they can't hear you!    I do not know what I would ask a living person right now.
"The dead know not anything. Neither have they eyes to see nor ears to hear nor is there any more remembrance in the grave into which you go".Eccles. 9,5

19. If happiness was the national currency, what kind of work would make you rich?
Something outdoorsy or maybe having a book shop or coffee shop.


  1. Hi Annie! This post just touched my heart, thank you for sharing! God bless and sustain you my friend!

  2. Loved hour answers.. very thought provoking... esp. #12.. You really hit the nail on the head with that one...!!!

  3. Wishing you a Happy Mothers Day my friend... keeping in prayer.

  4. #12...I came back to this post...I came back to say Annie, Just because I have my parents DNA, hair color or skin color etc, doesn't make me anything like them. I am a completely different sort of person-perhaps they helped shaped that in some way--but all in all, I have no desire to act like them...bitterness rots the soul, meanness rots the soul, belittling someone rots the soul...I could go on...I have no desire to be any of those...yes, my heart hurts, and that is just keeping it real. smiles

    1. Absolutely agree with you and so thats why I said you are not locked into it. We have free will and make choices to be like them or not. :) No argument from me at all :)

  5. Happy Mother's Day!!! Loved your answers! Have a great day!


  6. This was a difficult group of questions, but you handled them well. I really don't like to do these sorts of question/answer things...maybe they make me feel a little too vulnerable...not sure, but you did a good job. I just think these were very difficult questions. I hope you had a very sweet and peaceful day. I am sorry about the neighbor's home that burned. Praying for them now. So thankful they were not hurt, but I know it will be hard for them coming home. I know that had to be traumatic for all of your neighborhood, and your daughter. (((hugs))) to all.

  7. Loved everyone of your answers Annie and agree with them all. The questions were a little difficult but your answers made them easy to do. I'm sorry I missed this one. Hope your Mother's Day was a happy and blessed one. I had a great day in spite of the rotten cold steady hard rain we had here all day. Tomorrow it's supposed to be just as bad. Have a blessed evening and less painful one dear Annie. You are always in my prayers.

  8. That is so sad about the family who lost their home to fire. They are in my prayers.


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