z Cottage by the Sea : Saturday 9

Saturday, May 11, 2019

Saturday 9

Hi friends and welcome to another Saturday 9.
Unfamiliar with this week's song? Hear it here.
Backstreet Boys

1) In this song, a son thanks his mother for helping him grow up strong and confident. Who is the last person you thanked? What did they do for you?
My friend who complimented my hair.

2) Who was the last person to thank you for something?
My friend for whom I made a cup of tea.

3) This is from the Backstreet Boys' album Millennium, recorded and released in 1999. Do you remember where you were and what you were doing when 1999 turned into 2000?
I was in my living room with my family. The Famous Anonymous was born the month before.

4) This song was written by Backstreet Boy Brian Littrell. Brian voiced himself on an episode of PBS' Arthur. Arthur has been described as an "animated anthropomorphic aardvark" -- which can be difficult to say. Do you easily get tongue tied?
 Sometimes with new people, yes.

5) The French word for "mother" is "mère." What other French words do you know?
Tons of them. I can read French pretty well.

6) Mother's Day is a big holiday for card shops. So are birthdays, weddings, and St. Patrick's Day. Hallmark sells greetings for everything from "Congratulations on Your New Job" to "Happy Retirement." Who received the most recent card you bought?
 No one. I really don't send out cards.

7) Have you put away your winter clothes yet?
 Nope and won't. I don't have any place to store them so all my clothes remain out year around.

8) Mother Winters used to scold Sam for leaving her dirty dishes in the sink. Sam admits it: as a grown up, she's still a bit of a slob. Do lean toward "neat" or "messy?"
  I am neat and tidy.

9) To celebrate Mother's Day, Sam is giving away her mother's favorite: Hershey Bars. Would you prefer classic milk chocolate, dark chocolate or milk chocolate with almonds?
I  can't eat chocolate, sorry to say. It gives me migraine headache.


  1. Cards seem to be going the way of the written letter. I don't send very many these days nor do we get very many.

  2. I understand about chocolate. I can no longer drink wine. Even a thimbleful leaves me with a headache.

  3. I still make cards for family members on their birthdays, anniversaries, graduations, etc.. I haven't bought a card in years. :) Loved your answers Annie. I'm sorry I missed this one. Have a blessed Mother's Day weekend dear friend. BTW, Thanks for letting me know about Pelham Bay Park. I was told years ago that it became a landfill.

  4. Chocolate used to give me headaches too. I started this very strong regimen of Vitamin B2 and Magnesium Malate that helped my migraines tremendously, and now it doesn't seem to bother me as much.

  5. My clothes stay put too. I have plenty of room for all of them. This time of year I am still using both summer and winter clothes here in Missouri. Loved your answers! Have a nice weekend!


  6. Winter clothes? Well, I just move the long sleeved shirts over to one end of the closet, and put the short sleeved shirts front and center where I can reach them first. That's about the sum of our winter clothes...except for sweaters and jackets in the hall coat closet by the front door. Living in Florida makes the clothing changeover pretty simple. I can't eat chocolate either, makes me sick to my stomach. If I ever do eat any, it is dark chocolate only, and a very small piece. I mailed one card to my daughter in law in Maine for mother's day. She is the wife of our son who is deceased, and the mother of our only grandson. I actually hand delivered cards to my sister, niece, sister in law and a friend yesterday at a family gathering to celebrate Mother's Day at Cracker Barrel. I still love to receive cards, but am not as good at sending them as I used to be. The internet/FAcebook has really changed that, which is sad. We don't write letters anymore...and my handwriting is so bad no one would want to read it anyway. But it is a lost art that I am sad to see go. I hope you will have a sweet and happy day tomorrow. Blessings to you...


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