Friday, May 3, 2019

A Few Photos..

Hello friends and it is Friday already! How did that happen?
The week has been cool with low temperatures and I am not sorry though the storms around the area make life a bit painful.
It is time for Friday Foto Friends and SkyWatch Friday too.
Pamela at Closed doors, Open windows was talking about Dragonflies. I have tons of them around the water all the time. Last year one of them would come sit near me whenever I was outside and I would talk to him. It was no accident as it happened every single time I came outside on the back porch. He would hang on the Wisteria and stare at me.  I would talk to him and his head would tilt side to side as if he was listening.  I have no clue what was going on but, it was interesting and fun.
Here are my photos for this week.

The apple tree is in bloom. It isn't a very healthy tree and needs some medicine , poor thing.

 Above is the bay.. the photo below is the ocean side.

Photo below is the cove that I love so much. It's always nice there.

More ocean 

Rain storm coming...   

My Lilacs.  

Evening by the front door.

Come back again tomorrow for Saturday 9, won't you?


  1. Oh, Ann, I love your dragonfly story. I know these little creatures are so very interesting...and I love it when they come up to our face and study us just as we are studying them. Don't you wonder what they are thinking? I know that after my little experience with that dragonfly this week I will never just ignore a dragonfly again. They are God's special little messengers...sent to make us smile and give us a special little joy in our hearts. God is so good.... and oh, I love your your front door in the evening, and your apple tree looks lovely to me. Do you usually get apples from it? Your water pictures are always peaceful and beautiful. I know why you must love it there so much. Now, the lilacs are something that I would LOVE to have...we can't grow them in Florida, and I miss them so much. Please enjoy them for me, okay> Have a blessed day, and thank you again.

    1. I will enjoy them for you Pam. Yes,I do wonder what they are thinking and I spent a long time with that Dragonfly last year. There are a ton of little things that bring joy aren't there?
      I wonder why they won't grow in Florida? But you do get night blooming jasmine which has a wonderful scent to it... closed door.. open window!!

  2. Good Morning , my friend !
    So wonderful to stop by...always such interesting offerings...lovely photos !
    Your dragonfly story is dear ! Like Pam , I wonder how the creatures view those who take the time to ponder and talk to them . When gardening , I talk to the bees , who seem not to mind my presence . The regulars at my bird feeder now wait for it to be filled , instead of fleeing at my arrival...dear little feathered piggies !
    Thank you for this grateful for your friendship and talents !

  3. Hi Annie, to me the apple blossom is one of the prettiest fruit blossoms. Here in my area there are so many of our local farms that grow tons of apple trees. I love your dragonfly story. I never heard of anything like that before. I haven't seen a dragonfly in years here in my area. Will be back for your Saturday 9 post. Mine goes online in 40 minutes. Sweet dreams my friend.


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