z Cottage by the Sea : Far Away Places...sunday stealing
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Sunday, May 19, 2019

Far Away Places...sunday stealing

Howdy friends and neighbors.. Joining in with Sunday Stealing again this week.
From Unconscious Mutterings:

I say ... and you think ... ?
There are no right or wrong answers. Don't limit yourself to one word responses; just say everything that pops into your head.  Thanks to The Gal Herself for the suggestion.
Here we go.....
From Alice in Wonderland

    Hurry! :: ":Im late, I'm late,  for a very important date."
    Dumb :: as a stump. Dumb as dirt.
    Fudge :: on top of vanilla ice cream, with peanuts,          marshmallow sauce and whipped cream.
    Sturdy ::  as an Oak
    Printing :: Press
    Itch :: bug bites
    Creaks :: in the floor boards on a dark Halloween eve.
    Paste :: in a jar at the library
    Waste of time :: Television
    Let down :: your hair and dance
    Cancellation :: of all debt and obligation
    Suspect ::  in a string of bank robberies.
    Fireplace :: with a roaring fire.
    Spring :: was just around the corner, hiding and giggling !
    Commute :: by train was daily and long
Places ::
     "Far away places with strange sounding names
Far away over the sea
Those far away places with the strange sounding names are
Calling me
Goin' to China or maybe Siam
I wanna see for myself
Those far away places I've been reading about in a
Book that I took from a shelf
I start getting' restless whenever I hear the whistle of a train
I pray for the day I can get underway
And look for those castles in Spain
They call me a dreamer
Well maybe I am
But I know that I'm burning to see those
Far away places with the strange sounding names
Calling, calling me"

    Fraud :: The news
    Adoption :: of new habits, new rules, new ways.
    Election :: of an honest Congress for a change
    Moving day ::  can be long and hard .

Most words make me think of songs.
I hope you will join in and let us learn a bit more about you.
Thanks for visiting and please come again.


  1. I like your answer to adoption - it's nice to see a hopeful post. Here in Australia there are a lot of us in despair.

  2. I enjoyed your responses to the words. I liked the song too. The songstress has a beautiful, clear voice and I'm sure I've heard that song on various movies. Enjoy your Sunday Annie.

  3. Great answers Annie. Wow, I haven't heard Margaret Whiting in years. She always had a great voice. Have a blessed Sunday my friend.

  4. I think I am the only person who didn't think of ice cream for "fudge." Anyway, I enjoyed your answers and agree with most, especially those last few. Thank you for sharing Margaret Whiting. That made me smile. :) Hope you have a blessed day!

  5. I love Let down your hair and dance... I took the opposite point of view... I msut be a pessimist! Loved your answers!

  6. Great answers!! How did the anonymous kid make out with the semester? smiles

  7. Cancellation of debts and obligations...I like that!

  8. Many words make me think of songs too, or opposites. I do not think I did that much in this one though. Loved your answers! Have a nice day!


  9. LOVE your answer to "fudge." I'm with ya!

  10. As a media person, your answer to fraud made me sad.


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