z Cottage by the Sea : If It's Sunday, We Steal

Sunday, May 5, 2019

If It's Sunday, We Steal

Hey Friends!
It is raining and chilly today. A perfect day by the Jersey shore.. kind of...
anyway, it is a good day to be inside while the rain falls.
It is also a good day for stealing. Sunday Stealing that is brought to us by Bev Sykes.
This week's questions come from One Direction Asks.
Let's get this show on the road....

1. Name three things you love about yourself.
1. I do not harm others and I don't hate anyone.
2. I try not to gossip.
3. I am sincere with people.

2. What’s the bravest thing you ever did?
    I saved a life in a dangerous situation.

3. Talk about the craziest night of your life.
I am not sure what the craziest night of my life was.  I can't think of anything.

4. Name three things you want in life
1,  A good man
2.  respite from pain..
3. To repair my home a bit.

5. Who’s your biggest celebrity crush?
I don't have one. I am not that involved with celebrities or a fan of them.

6. What’s your most common mistake?
Trusting people and thinking they are nicer than they really are.

7. Which three things would you save if there was a fire?
My photos,my childhood Teddy,some keepsake jewelry. If I still had pets, they would be number 1.

8. What’s your favourite sport?
Used to be ice skating, but I also liked playing soft ball and archery. I am not much for watching sports except Rodeo which I do really enjoy a lot.

9. Talk about something good that recently happened to you.
I got 30% off on hair items  I needed to replace. Also hosted people for dinner, which I absolutely love doing. I am an entertaining junky and love to have people over.

10. Which fictional world would you want to live in if you could?
This is a hard question to answer but maybe in the world of Miss Marple or Hercule Poirot.

11. What’s one thing you can never say no to?
    Eating dinner out!  I love doing that and also seeing a nice movie at the big theater with the recliner chairs. Also a night out at the Metropolitan Opera in New York City.  I also never say no to an evening on the boardwalk or to sitting by the bay drinking a cup of tea or coffee.  I rarely say no to window shopping.  I rarely say no to a museum trip.
I know, I know..that was more than one thing!

12. Talk about a childhood memory.
 There was a big F5 tornado when I was about 4 years old.
 The dog, the turkeys and I were forgotten and left outside. I wasn't afraid for myself but I stayed outside with the animals until I got the dog to go inside and prayed for God to guard the turkeys.
 I could see the thing coming at the house.   I finally went inside, no one had even known I wasn't inside.  God protected every single turkey, the house etc. and allowed the houses on the other two sides to be wiped out.    From the time I was very tiny I always thought God liked me so I wasn't afraid .

13. Name five things you find attractive in others.
    1.  No guile.
    2.  No jealousy
    3. an honest heart
    4. no hate or evil thoughts in their heart for others.
    5. An active, inquiring mind that is interested in a variety of things.

14. Are you good at making final decisions or do you easily change your mind?
This depends on what the subject is. There are things which must be final and things that do not matter all that much.  If something is necessary I will be firm in my decision. If not, it doesn't matter.

15. Name three guilty pleasures of yours.

I reject the word guilty as if it was something I should be guilty about I should not be doing it at all.
So I will change the question to 3 things I enjoy doing.
1. eating whipped cream with a spoon!
2. Having a ton of hot air popped corn with butter and brewer's yeast on it.
3. I love or listening to endless documentaries on YouTube or listening to Cousin Brucie  on radio.  I have loved Cousin Bruce Morrow since I was a kid and I am a rabid fan of radio!  My daughter got to spend the day with him at the studio in NY City when she was younger.
  In high school I was managing editor of the school radio station and ended up majoring in Radio and TV journalism at Ohio University.  Did I say I love radio??  I do, I do!!
These days, you can hear Cousin Brucie on Sirius Satellite Radio.
I am also a huge fan of old time mystery radio and listen incessantly.


  1. Hi Annie! Oh I hate tornadoes! An EF 5 is bad!!! I am so glad you were all safe. We had a tornado outbreak this last week...they are saying there 13 confirmed tornado touchdowns so far that did damage. They were small tornadoes, but did some damage. One destroyed a total brick house. They are saying EF0, EF1 and EF2 so far. There weren't any that were any worse. It just when on all evening. It started before I left work and it was going on when I went to bed. Bad night. Loved your answers! Have a nice day!


  2. What a sweet (albeit scary) tale of the tornadoes v. a little girl and her turkeys! I'm sure intrigued about the Brewers yeast on popcorn. Sincerity is one of my most valued traits in others. It's great to 'meet' you, as well!

  3. People are afraid to come to California for fear there wll be an earthquake, but I am used to them and terrified of tornadoes. I'm surprised your house didn't rise up in the air and float to Oz! LOL.

    Eating whipped cream with a spoon sounds heavenly.

    I used to love rodeo since I love horses until I actually WENT to a rodeo and discovered that the horses buck to try to get rid of the belt around their hindquarters. After that I could not enjoy rodeo any more.

  4. Not hating people is really good.
    An F5? That's crazy!
    I don't think I've had popcorn with brewer's yeast.

  5. So many wonderful responses... and always very interesting things to learn about you. The tornado story was amazing. So wonderful that you were safe inside with your family just in time.


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