z Cottage by the Sea : It's Tuesday!

Monday, May 6, 2019

It's Tuesday!

Tuesday used to be my least favorite day of the week as I had my most serious dancing class on Tuesdays after school. It was a few hours long. It wasn't the only dance class of the week, but the one I didn't like at all. Today was lovely outside with cool breezes and sunshine. I hear it might not last but it was nice while it lasted.
Tuesday is also Toni's special meme which I like to join.
Here it is. Click her graphic to join in.

The 'WORD' Game

1.   Favorite Stupid Saying:
There are so many today.
 Most of them pius platitudes or feel good pap that really means nothing.  For instance, "you can do anything you put your mind to do". Umm, sorry but no you can't. Just because you'd like to do something does not mean you can or are able to do it.
"You are fine just the way you are". Well,rarely. I think the idea is to improve yourself and no one fine just as they are since all people sin and do wrong and need plenty of improvement.

2.   Favorite Over Used Word:
'Awesome', a word that really only applies to God when you think about it. Another one is the use of "like" as in  "I was, like, going to the store."  Now think that over. Were you only like going to the store but not really going or were you really going?

3.   Favorite Word That Makes You Laugh:
  Bumpershoot for umbrella. Octopopal for Octopus.

4.   Now Tell Me, Are You Having Fun Yet?
Yes!This was fun.



  1. Always love your answers to the meme Annie. You had me laughing at #s 2, 3 and 4. I would have never thought of bumpershoot and were you like going to the store but not really going etc... Have a blessed evening my friend.

  2. Bumpershoot for an umbrella, I have never heard of this. Loved your answers!! Have a great Tuesday!

  3. Oh, yes, those pause while your speaking words, "like", "you know", etc.. I used to get those a lot from my students when I asked them to explain something to the class!

  4. The use of "like" seems similar to the earlier "um" as a way to buy time in one's response . Somehow that word comes into my ear with a "Valley Girl " accent...funny...
    Enjoy the sunshine , my friend

  5. Oh I like the word bumbershoot! I have not heard that one! Loved your answers! Have a great Tuesday!


  6. Annie, you made me laugh. Wishing you a wonderful weekend.


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