Unfamiliar with this week's song? Hear it here.
1) This song is from Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory, starring Gene Wilder. The movie was remade as Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, with Johnny Depp as Willy Wonka. Which Wonka did you prefer?
I never saw either of them and really had no interest in seeing them. I am not a big fan of this kind of movie. Candy Man is a euphemism for a drug dealer. Drug dealers will give away free or at super low prices to get you hooked, then jack up the price.
2) In the movie, this song is sung by Bill, the candy store shopkeeper. Think about the last counter person you dealt with. We know that he or she likely didn't break into song, but did you two engage in conversation?
Yes. We talked for a good part of the afternoon and usually talk a lot when I go in. I like her a lot.
3) The lyrics tell us that The Candy Man can make the world taste good. What's the last thing you ate? Was it delicious, or just OK?
It was nice. Not overly delicious and not just okay either, but in between.
4) The most popular recording of this song was by Sammy Davis, Jr. Sammy was in an horrific car accident when he was 29 years old. His cheek and nose were broken and he lost an eye. That he survived at all left him reflective and after his hospitalization, he converted to Judaism. Do you still worship in the faith you were raised in?
It is a modified version which I feel is more normal ,rational, thought out and natural. I based my beliefs on studying into things for myself in depth. I spent less time learning what they" want you to learn which usually is the company line with an agenda to keep you hooked on whatever religious spin they are selling at the time. Much is emotional, syrupy claptrap that has little relationship to rational though. God says he can be reasoned out and you can know him by looking at his creation. That's reasoning, not emotional response. Now it might evoke an emotional response, but sappy sentimentalism is not religion.
5) Sammy was proud of the honorary college degrees because he received because never formally attended school. As a child, he performed on the road with his father and uncle. In addition to depriving him of an education, that lifestyle kept him from kids his own age. He would later describe his childhood as, "in a word, 'lonely.'" Give us a one-word description of your childhood.
I don't know and really don't like to give definitions for things that can't be defined in solid terms. If someone says "lonely" does that mean they were lonely and miserable 24/7? It seems stupid to say that. People go through varieties of feelings and emotions even in a day , let alone an entire childhood.
6) Because he spent so much of his youth on the road, living on buses, trains and hotel rooms, he loved eventually having his own kitchen and being able to cook his own meals. This weekend, will you spend much time in the kitchen?
I spend the time in the kitchen that it takes to prepare meals.
7) Sammy enjoyed experimenting with clothes and jewelry. What about you? Do you consider yourself conservative in dress or are you fashion forward?
I dress in styles that are more classic but I also keep up with the times.

<another rant >In Rome, etc. you can always tell an American tourist by their sloppy appearance. I don't want to be like that.
People's excuse is that it's comfortable. Years ago there were dress standards in schools and business and many still have them. Why? Because you do better in everything when your take care of your appearance. So if you are over 10.. ditch the sloppy baggy pants, shorts, ugly running shoes, doofey sandals and T Shirts and begin to dress like an adult. And yeah, the Baby Boom generation(1945 - 1965) is the worst at this! Even teens dress better than they do. The Baby Boomers always look like they just dressed out of a roadside bin. or always ready to go muck out the horse stalls. Come on... How you dress is how you act.</rant
8) When he died, Sammy was in debt to the IRS. Do you handle your own taxes, or do you use the services of an accountant?
My ex is an IRS agent and handles it all for us both. He put a lot of people in jail in his time.. so watch out and pay up you guys!!
9) Random question: If you had to tell nothing but the truth (not even the tiniest white lie) for 24 hours, do you think you'd get yourself in trouble?
Well, no one forces you to tell the unvarnished truth to anyone, especially if it would hurt feelings, cause harm,or make matters worse.
What I am saying is you can hold your tongue on certain subjects to avoid trouble. You can change the subject or just plain refuse to answer.

Good answers. I agree with so much of what you say, although I do like to be "comfortable", I am only completely so at home, not in public. I wear very comfortable clothes in the house that I don't mind getting dirty because no matter how hard I try, I tend to spill something on my clothes without even batting an eye....tea is the worst...so I try not to "dress up" in my good clothes at home unless we are having company, and then I sometimes wear an apron just because I need it...LOL. I tend to wear comfortable, sensible shoes. Can't wear trendy things on my feet. I've had back surgery and falling is one of my greatest fears, so I am careful about what I put on my feet as I am clumsy enough barefoot, let alone with shoes on... LOL.
ReplyDeleteEnjoyed reading your answers Annie. Although like Pamela I too wear comfortable clothes at home. When I go out anywhere I do dress clean, neat and for my age. Have a Sunday of blessings dear friend.
ReplyDeleteLOLOL on trailer trash...thanks, I needed that. What some of these people wear is something else. My grandma always said, "Put your best on, and don't forget the lipstick." I was just discussing this the other day with a professor who wears the most awesom'est shoes (lovely heels) and the cutest dresses. I had to apology, wish I could, I'm not walking a 1/2 mile uphill with those shoes on or even the cute dresses, lol. I simply don't know how people did it in the past. Just keeping it real. Now, when we go out, I don't wear what I normally wear. smiles
ReplyDeleteGoodness no, heels are not for campus life!!
DeleteI am totally impressed that your ex handles your taxes. Taxes can be stressful enough to cause arguments between those who are still married.
ReplyDeleteI get what you are saying about the clothes and I always try to look decent when I go out, but I just can't hold it against anyone who doesn't. They might be lazy, but their circumstances aren't known to me so who knows? Jesus welcomed the sinners, the down-trodden, the poor, etc. I don't think he would turn anyone away. He would do as he did with so many...welcome them, show them grace, love, and understanding...and then show them a better way in love.
Never knew that Candy Man was a euphemism for drug dealer. What sort of thing to push to kids? I mean that seemed to be the target market for those books and film. And, I agree about religious "spins". Good rant.
ReplyDeleteAnd, no, there's no reason to wear your heart on your sleeve around people, especially those who are notorious for stepping on hearts.
I am with you on the clothing thing, especially when it comes to liek a rag tag tee and shredded jeans to church. Of cours, Id go one step further, it amazes me how the church has to bend so far over to attract young people today the music,,, the liberality about how you attire yurself.. making it a comfy place to come ... I really do not like the coffee house aspect of church either.. to me it completely eradicates the sense of stepping into the God's home with reverence and awe.. quietly and ready to worship in spirit and truth...Ok That is my rant... this seemes like a rant safe place heheheh. have a great week, and I don't know, It seems like I've been missing you lately.. or maybe I come on before you post or something...anyway be well and safe and God bless!
ReplyDeleteThis is a very rant safe place and you are preaching to the choir on the worship and lack of liturgy in religion. 100% with you that worship must be formal and with reverence.
DeleteAnother lovely header ! Thank you for sharing your artwork ! Each piece evokes emotions of peace and serenity...what a talent !
ReplyDeleteThis is a terrific post - thought-provoking questions and answers .
Enjoy your day , my friend !