z Cottage by the Sea : Muttering to Yourself?
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Monday, September 30, 2019

Muttering to Yourself?

It seems that September went by far too quickly and October is almost here. Just one more day for September to do her magic and then voila.. October makes her grand entrance.
Already the sky is changing, the sea is cooling down, the light filters differently through the woods and air is crisper and brighter somehow.
The kids went to the farm yesterday and brought me home a really perfect pumpkin! Its wonderful. All I have to do is decide if it should be made into a pie or just used for decoration.
Today is a bit overcast and chilly.. not bad all in all, but humidity is pretty high and that is nasty I think.

By popular request, namely Linda Conley, the Perfect Pumpkin from the farm in photo to the left.

Meanwhile,  Toni (whom we are all praying diligently for) posted another unconscious muttering and I thought I would give it a try myself.

 I say and you Think:
1 .Brace ~ for impact
2. Upgrade ~ first class
3. Run ~  for the Roses
4. Construction ~ Worker
5. Lazy ~ man's carry
6. Email ~ spam
7. Hide ~  and seek
8. Hornet 's~   Nest
9. Wonder ~ ful
10. Hesitate ~ He who hesitates is lost

There is a story to number 5.
When I was first married, my husband (who is deceased) and I lived in an upstairs apartment. It was very nice but you had to carry groceries up a long flight of stairs. We got them out of the car and I had 3 bags full in my arms. I was 20 years old and in very good shape.
 My husband warned me that this was the "lazy man's carry" and that if I didn't listen to him, disaster would result. I was strong, agile and athletic and said, "I can handle it". Famous last words!
Well, sure enough, the bags broke all down the stairs and we had to do twice the work we would have had if I had just listened to him and carried one or two at a time.
I have never forgotten that lesson. He had a good laugh at my expense, which he usually did.. He thought I was "the cutest thing on earth" and got a kick out of the fact I was clumsy and a bit of an  airhead.   He found it cute.

Until next time..


  1. I detest being called cute, just saying. ANYWAYS-I see tomorrow will be the last of the 85* around here and its all downhill from here...which I like. Have a beautiful week, smiles. (please take a photo of the pumpkin)

  2. Happy October 1st Annie. I loved your answer to #5. What wonderful memories of your late husband. Have a day of blessings my friend.

  3. Love your story and happy memories of your early years of marriage. We all often have to learn things the hard way. I love your pumpkin, and I hope you won't cut it up. It is too perfect.
    I also wanted to tell you that I loved the pictures of your little son on Facebook for Son's day. I believe there is a story there, and I just wanted to tell you that I care. You are a very special woman. Loved the clock picture you shared on facebook too. Have a happy October day.

  4. Good Morning , my friend !
    Thank you for all you do for us - the beautiful headers , thoughtful posts , gorgeous photos and all the things you do to delight and enlighten us ! I echo Pam...that you are a very special woman and we are blessed to have you in our lives ! May your kindnesses be returned to you a hundred-fold !


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