z Cottage by the Sea : Unrelated Questions

Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Unrelated Questions

October is here and it is very welcome as I like autumn very much.
Leaves are falling on my Green Ash and the Wisteria but no color yet except for the yellowing of those two. 
I also like doing the memes that Toni provides.  So, here is her Tuesday 4 for this week.

4 Unrelated Questions

1.   Have you ever known anyone that’s been on tv, including you?
Umm, I don't think so, no. My family  knew the father of someone who starred in a blockbuster movie, but, no one on TV and no one directly that I can think of.

2.   What do you find yourself buying all the time?
Salad ingredients, coffee, napkins and cleaning items.

3.   When was the last time you got a real letter in the mail? 
Last September from an old friend and that reminds me that I should write to her now.

4.   Have you ever lived in a house/apartment that has been broken into?
Not that I know of. Well, it's a long story but, I will not tell it.


  1. I know I love to get real, handwritten letters, but they don't happen anymore. I was looking at old cards and letters from loved ones and thinking, this is the only tangible thing I have left that tells me they really lived....in their own handwriting. We need to write real letters, but in today's society, our young people don't even know how to read or write in cursive, so in the future they will not be able to decipher our letters. That is so sad. As far as people on TV, my Uncle Chalmer (John C. Tedlie) was in several movies back in the late 40's and early 50's. He had small parts, but usually as a muscle bound man of some kind, either a soldier or guard or something like that. Very handsome man. He later had his own TV show in Columbus, Ohio, "Tone Up With Tedlie", a daily exercise show much like Jack LaLane. But you could only see it in the Ohio area. He was still lifting weights in his 80's, and died at age 90 I think from cancer. Things I buy all the time...bread, milk, eggs, salad stuff, toilet paper...LOL. Yes, our home has been broken into before while we were away on vacation. They stole our kids' money that was hidden in their dresser drawers, and my husband's pocket watch (from his father) and other coins, etc. They seemed to know where to look...never found out who did it. Okay, that's it for today. Have a great day. I'm still trying to get over this cold or whatever it is that I have...

  2. I agree with waht yoy share on Lori's page, it is so much fun to learn about our firends who trael the same blogland highways... it makes for good neighbors. Have a blessed rest of your week!

  3. Enjoyed your answers and love the little images at the bottom of your posts! Super cute! October blessings! :)

  4. Hi Annie, I am so surprised how many of us still receive letters by "snail mail". I just got a thank you card from one of my great nieces for making her a card (not empty) when she graduated with her Masters Degree this past year. As for a letter, I haven't received one in years. Enjoyed your other answers too. Have a day of blessings my friend.

  5. It is sad how few letters I actually get. It used to be such a special thing. My Granie was the last person I wrote regularly and when she died I quit writing letters. I have a pen pal that I write occasionally, but that hasn't stuck really for either of us. Loved your answers! Have a nice week.


  6. I have been craving a salad all week! Its so nice getting letters in the mail. I too need to go rewrite one with my last one being lost somewhere in the mail system. Have a great week!


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