z Cottage by the Sea : Sunday Stealing Time
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Sunday, September 1, 2019

Sunday Stealing Time

Sunday Stealing! Welcome thieves.
These are from Stark Raving Parker

    A song you like with a colour in the title:   'Blue Hawaii' and 'Pink Panther'

    A song that needs to be played very loud: Charles-Marie Widor's  5th Symphony in F.. Toccata which was played on a huge pipe organ by my grandmother for wedding recessionals and which was played at my wedding as well.
Here is a version played at New Jersey's own Cathedral Basilica in Newark.

    A song that makes you want to dance: Uptown Funk
    A song to drive to: None! I like to concentrate while in a car.
    A song with a number in the title: 'You're 16, You're beautiful and You're Mine"
    A song that makes you happy: Happy by Pharrell
    A song that makes you sad:  My Heart's in the Highlands
    A song that reminds you of summer: Theme  from a Summer Place, California Girls. See You in September/
    A song that you remember from your childhood: Twinkle Twinkle Little Star
    A song that breaks your heart:  The Welsh lullaby:  'All Through the Night:' My first daughter died during her sleep. I can't make it through this song and had trouble sleeping for years.
I can also include One More Try by George Michael which I was listening to at work when I received word that a friend was killed the night before. Broke my heart.  

    A song that you never get tired of: I get tired of them all after a while and need peace and quiet.
    A song from your preteen year: Handle's Messiah.  😋 1704
    A song that is a cover by another artist : Bad Company by Five Finger Death Punch
    A song from the year you were born:   Toccata and Fugue in D Minor.. 😜 1743 hehehe
    A song that makes you think about life: drawing a blank
    Your favourite song with a persons name in the title: Holly by Andy Williams
    A song that you think everyone should listen to: Anything by Bach and played on a pipe organ.
    A song by a band you wish were still together:Don't have anything I can think of.
    A song by an artist no longer living: Mozart's songs
    A song by an artist with a voice you enjoy: All Jacked Up by Gretchen  Wilson I changed love to enjoy. I don't love many voices.... Oh wait.. I do! How about Sempre Libera as sung by Joan Sutherland. Now that is a voice!

 I named  my second daughter 'Holly' because I heard this song on the radio and loved it.


  1. You nailed the loud song for sure.. goodness you a re quite well preserved..(1743) hahah I am so sorry to hear about your daughter... I can't even imagine! God bless you, dear friend!!! I do love the wide range of music you shared today!!!

  2. LOL You are so funny in reference to the year of the song you were born in--I would say the same, LOLOL. smiles

  3. Annie, I add a song for that question about another artist cover thing?? and Id hate for you to miss it. Emmanuel from Christ Botti. Hope you can get back and hear it!! So wonderful!

  4. Uptown Funk never fails to make me want to move...and those dance mash ups set to it on YouTube sure make you want to try a few steps!
    I wouldn't have pegged you for a Gretchen Wilson fan, but I agree...she has a good voice. I wish she had done more.

  5. Ann, thank you for stopping back by... I really thought you would like that .. Chris Botti's Boston Cd is truly wonderfuL! Have a lovely rest of your weekend!!

  6. Oh you have great choices! My hubby loves Gretchen Wilson. She has a voice, but she sort of left the music scene to raise her daughter. A gifted artist. Enjoy your weekend.

  7. I'm so sorry to learn of your first daughter's death. Isn't it curious how certain things (like 'One More Try' playing) can become permanent markers … triggers, if you will. I loved Andy Williams, but never heard Holly before now. Thank you for including this clip!

  8. You do not listen to music in the car? The is when I put the top down (weather permitting) and crank the stereo.

    I should mention that I work third shift and primarily drive at night and am the only one on the freeway.

  9. Great answers from someone born in 1743. So sorry about your daughter. You never get over it. My son has been dead 30 years and the music still brings it all back.


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