z Cottage by the Sea : The Unseen Hand
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Wednesday, September 4, 2019

The Unseen Hand

Sometimes we don't seem to be getting anywhere in life.
Worse yet, we can seem to be going backwards or downhill and the outcome can look grim.
You move ahead, you think, but, then when you look around it seems you are in the same place you always were.
 You overcome one of life's trials only to find another one was lurking around the corner ready to spring on you.
 We so often think we are wise in our own pursuits and just when we get to a certain point, an unseen hand steps in and blocks the way! 
 So you pray... and nothing seems to happen.  You hope, you try, you do your own things but it seems futile.
It isn't really. We learn by the things we do.
 Answers are not always the way you want things done or think it should be done, but, in God's way and in his time and often in a way you never expected., things happen.
Maybe you move forward, maybe you move backward, maybe the answer is yes and maybe it is no but it is the answer and all of the answers end with  your good in view.
 So when the roadblocks show up, maybe its time to think that the unseen hand has placed them there for a very good purpose, as yet unseen and unknown to us.


  1. Yes, I totally understand this, and have experienced it often in my life. That unseen hand that loves us and cares for us and wants to help us grow in the process. This was very good, Annie. Thank you.

  2. Oh wow do I understand...great post. Excellent. smiles

  3. Parents , viewing children who think themselves wise ,
    can relate to this ! After all , our Parent is really
    guiding us toward being our better selves...if we listen
    and follow instructions in humility . Thank you for
    a thought-provoking post and your wonderful autumn header !
    Take care , my friend !


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