z Cottage by the Sea : Shaking it Off.. Saturday 9
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Friday, September 27, 2019

Shaking it Off.. Saturday 9

 Shake It Off (2014)

Unfamiliar with this week's song? Hear it here.

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1) This song makes Crazy Sam want to dance. What song inspires you to get on your feet?
There are a lot of them and I love dancing. LOVE IT.  Uptown Funk is a good one  but the Waltz No. 2 by Dmitri  Shostakovich is wonderful too.


 2) Paul McCartney met Taylor Swift at the SNL 40 Anniversary special and told her he really enjoys playing and singing this song. What's the last song you sang along with?

Once Upon a December from Anastasia

3) The lyrics tell us Swift "shakes off" nasty gossip and unfair criticism. What about you? Do you worry about what others think of you?
To a certain extent, yes, but I don't let it get to me or get me down.  People have a nasty habit of judging others without any real basis and I've seen them do that and so if they criticize me, I realize it is their problem.

4) Her parents are big music fans, and were going to name their baby (boy or girl) "Taylor" after their favorite artist, James Taylor. Can you think of a singer that your mom and/or dad really enjoyed?
 No. I never heard them talk about music of any kind. The songs my mother enjoyed were mostly instrumental.

5) She grew up on an 11-acre Christmas tree farm. Do you get a fresh tree every year, or do you have an artificial tree, or do you not put up a tree at all?
I am surrounded by woods on a couple of sides..so fresh trees daily 365 days a year 

6) Taylor Swift is 5'10". According to the CDC, the average American woman is 5'4" while men are, on average, 5'9". Are you taller or shorter than average?
At 5'6" I am a bit taller than average.

7) She enjoys good, old fashioned mysteries, especially those by Agatha Christie. Are you currently reading a book for pleasure?
I also enjoy Agatha Christie but I am not reading a book currently.  I do a lot of reading online, however.

8) Her brother Austin is a freelance photographer who took the official pictures for her 2008 concert tour. Who took the last photo of you?
My daughter took this photo with her phone  and snap chat a couple of months ago.

9) Random question: What's your go-to comfy outfit?
I like cotton blouses and tops in summer, and sweaters or sweatshirts with a blouse in the winter or fall.


  1. I know Shostakovich symphonies, but didn't think I knew any other of his music--but this is familiar too. If I were a dancing type person, this would get me up dancing too!

    1. The Shastakovich song was a main theme for Eyes Wide Shut. That might be why it sounds familiar to you.

  2. Great attitude on #3. I need to learn to let it go a bit more when it comes to my boss. I know it's her problem and not me, but I let it get to me every time.

  3. Greatttttttttttttt now I have to find another waltz, lol. Have a great day friend. smiles

  4. Uptown Funk is playing right now.... getting my groove on while I browse the list.. then its off to start laundry! Happy Saturday!

  5. Morning Annie, my parents loved opera and Italian songs so I grew up singing them also but never to an audience except to my kids. I have no voice at all LOL! I'm not a fan of Taylor Swift's and so I don't know any of her songs. Enjoyed your answers dear friend.

  6. The Shostakovich immediately made me want to polka! HAHAHA, But, yes, any of the classics do put a giddy up in my step!!!,

  7. Uptown Funk is my go to whenever I want to move. I can't sit still with that song on!

  8. I've never heard that song, so guess I need to listen. Our pastor has used that "shake it off" phrase for as long as I can remember, and it has helped me so very much with offenses. People need to learn to do that. Pretty pic your daughter took! My parents listened to country/western/gospel music. I've been enjoying the documentary on PBS by Ken Burns with the history of country music.

  9. That snapchat picture is cute of you. I love your sigtag. Loved your answers! Have a nice weekend.


  10. That waltz is very "dance around the house" worthy! Thanks for posting the link. wow!
    People really can get snarky, and, as you say, without basis. The best thing to do is ignore it if you can.

  11. Good Morning , my friend -
    Lovely to visit here...great way to begin a day !
    I like your headers and this one is so very autumn...wonderful...
    The topics and answers are thought provoking...thank you !
    May your day hold all you wish for !


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