Friday, October 25, 2019

Miss Me More! saturday 9

Hey friends,welcome to this week's Saturday 9.
Prayers continue for our dear Toni and my own Famous Anonymous Kid.

I have a sinus infection but the world keeps turning despite all it's problems.

Saturday 9: Miss Me More (2018)

Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here.
Chosen because October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month. Learn more and spread the word that help is available.

1) This song is about a girl who ditched her high heels so she wouldn't be taller than her beau. Tell us about the most recent addition to your footwear wardrobe. Do you need to go shoe shopping?
Yes. I need a new pair of  flat sole runner Pumas and some new moccasins.

2) She sings that she misses the sheets on the bed she made herself. As you answer these questions, is your bed made?
Yes. I make it every day.

3) This video shows her in a ring. Have you ever worn boxing gloves?
I think I tried them on one time, yes.
4) This week's featured artist, Kelsea Ballerini, got married on Christmas Day in 2017. That makes their anniversary easy to remember. Are you celebrating any birthdays or anniversaries this month?
Not this month, no. November will be 2 birthdays in my family, then more in December and January and then not again until May. 
5) Kelsea has been quoted as saying, "Perfect doesn't exist." She worries that we exhaust ourselves "trying to be something that isn't real." How about you? Do you believe your best is good enough? Or do you strive for perfection?
I see no problem striving for perfection as long as it does not become an obsession or a problem for you.  I redo and redo my art until I get it right or when a better idea strikes me. 
6) One of Kelsea's tattoos is a square inside of a circle, aka a square peg in a round hole, on her left wrist. She says it's there to remind her that it's OK to "not fit the mold of what normal might be." Tell us about a time where you felt like a square peg in a round hole.
 I think once at a party as I felt a bit out of place. That was short lived though. I am a quiet  extrovert mainly and get along well with people most of the time.
7) In 2018, when this song was popular, French President Emmanuel Macron lowered fuel taxes. When it's time to fill your tank, do you shop around for the best price?
There is a usual place where prices are always the lowest.Macron: BOOOO HISSS..
8) Also in 2018, Luxembourg made all public transportation free. When is the last time you rode a bus or train?
Rode a train a couple years ago. Used to ride buses and trains daily.

9) Random question: When did you most recently say, either out loud or to yourself, "I haven't got a thing to wear?"
Yes. Usually for a party or  dress up event.  I don't tend to have a lot of clothes and I don't go out often so when something comes up I usually don't have the right thing to wear!



  1. I love how you spooked up your page for Halloween. You've done a lovely job here.

  2. Love your header are always so very clever! Praying this morning for your "famous anonymous kid" and for our dear friend Toni. I just made my bed...and I've often said "I haven't got a thing to wear"...but somehow I always manage to get dressed in something presentable. I don't keep up with styles or trends...I am just me, myself and I...we rarely go anywhere where I have to really dress "up"... except for church...and I wear a choir robe over my dress so I don't want to "overdress" and have a meltdown in front of the congregation. Birthdays: my first daughter in law has a birthday in November, and my 2nd daughter in law has her birthday after Christmas. My son and his wife also celebrate their 2nd anniversary Nov. 11. Our only grandson just turned 20 Oct. 6th. The rest of our birthdays are in Feb., Aug. Sept. I like that they are spread out! Hope you have a lovely day...please keep us posted about your dear girl.

  3. The Puma Basket Heart Soft are nice but the eyelets are kind blingy.

  4. know I love the header and background here, smiles. Have a great day friend.

  5. ALways a delight to visit.. You always find a way to inspire . I think I will go make up my bed...!!

  6. Like you, I usually "don't have a thing to wear" to any special events. Of course I do, I'm blessed with a closet full of clothes, so why do I say that?! I guess it's really a case of "I don't have a thing I want to wear!" I hope you feel better soon.

  7. The filling stations around here aren't competitive with prices for gas, it's all the same.

  8. I don't dress up much, either, so those times are certainly "I don't have a thing to wear" times.

  9. I used to love wearing moccasins, but with all the foot trouble I have they just don't cut it. I really miss them.
    You make the bed every day? I feel like a slacker. lol

  10. I do not have a lot of dress clothes either.
    Your blog looks great! The background is so spooky! I love it. Loved your answers! Have a nice weekend.


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