Saturday, October 12, 2019

Living to the Fullest

I     t is interesting how quickly a week can fly on by. Time did speed up by seconds after the earthquake and tsunami in Fukushima, Japan.
 Here on the New Jersey seashore, the temperatures have been up and down and the Nor'Easter storms have made their appearance this week. We just hope they are small and don't do any damage of course.
It is time for another Saturday 9 by host Sam Winters. Maybe you will join in too?
We are talking about living life to the fullest.  To me this does not mean doing "things", it means conforming to what God says is right and what is wrong and living by that.

 Live Like You Were Dying (2003)

Unfamiliar with this week's song. Hear it here.

1) This song is about a man whose father advises him to live life to the fullest, to become "the friend you'd like to have." How about you? Are you the friend you'd like to have?
I can be but I've never found a person who was like me in respect to how I am or want to be treated.  I am not sappy, not sentimental,  I am a get down to business, straightforward person. You find that more in men than in women and I am not into that stuff.  So I doubt I am the kind of friend most women would want to have.  I try but, well, I am very different.

2) The song lists several "bucket list" items: skydiving, mountain climbing, riding a bull. Have you done any of those things? Would you like to?

  Not interested in mountain climbing or skydiving. I have gone on long hikes, traveled across country, done a good deal of horseback riding, including some barrel racing. Done a ton of wilderness camping and fishing in the high mountains of Utah, surfed as a teenager,  not sure what else I'd like to do really. I've done a lot of what I want to do.
If barrel racing doesn't ring a bell with you, the video should help.

3) In the music video, Tim McGraw is wearing a white button-down shirt, blue jeans and a cowboy hat. Which of those items is in your wardrobe?

All of them, of course!

4) He wears a cowboy hat because he is embarrassed by the size of his forehead. When you wear a hat, are you more likely doing it for style, like Tim, or for protection from the elements?
I wear hats because I like the look and can wear them nicely. I love baseball caps and cowboy hats especially, but also fond of cute winter hats. I wore a cowboy hat when I was riding  and boots too but I was doing serious riding in those days.

5) McGraw's biological father was Tug McGraw, pitcher for the Mets and Phillies. How did your baseball team do this season?
Well, MY team ..the last year I played.. when I was in school, did well.  Other than that I don't follow baseball.  If I did, I would follow the Yankees and the Boston Red Sox.

6) Tim McGraw and wife Faith Hill live just outside of Nashville. They enjoy inviting friends over to sit around a bonfire, drinking beer and playing guitars. Tell us about the most recent get together you had with friends.
I usually have people over to eat a meal, talk, etc. So last week was the last time.I love to entertain.

7) Tim likes his tattoos. He admits his silliest one -- a leprechaun wearing a cowboy hat -- was acquired during a night of drinking. Do you have a tattoo? If so, are you glad you have it and would you get it again?
I don't  have a tattoo but have flirted with the idea of a tiny one. I doubt it will happen though the little is on me to try a temporary henna one and I probably will try it out.

8) In 2003, when this song was popular, the supersonic Concord took its last flight. When did you most recently board a plane? What was your destination?

It was a while ago from Salt Lake City to Newark,New Jersey.
My daughter recently flew from New York, to Edinburgh to Moscow and back from Moscow to Kennedy International.

9) Random question: When did you last walk around the house naked?
The other day to get  my jeans out of the dryer after a shower.  The less clothing the more freedom. I especially hate hot bulky things at night to sleep. I can sleep without just fine though I usually opt for a tank top and little shorts.  In school we had gang showers and you get over being shy real fast that way.  

And tomorrow is Sunday Stealing and I think I will be a thief for the day and join in again.
Come on back and see, won't you?


  1. Hi Annie, I learned something new about you and that is barrel racing. I would have loved to have seen you as with many other talents I bet you were great. Enjoyed your other answers also. I did this one too. Many Blessings my friend.

  2. I think you would make an interesting friend. I like to know all kinds of people, not just those who are just like me.

  3. A henna tattoo sounds like a no-risk way to get comfortable with the idea of a real one. Good thinking!

  4. I have to agree with some other comments... I too, learned a lot about you this morning and it is all so much fun! Wow, girl, you have walked abit on the wild side.. all the barrel racing, wildreness hiking and camping, and well, you are a very multifaceted young lady! One I would love to be friends with, although you'd think that I had lived a very sheltered life in comparison.I think we'd really love an after chat around a cosy fire and cup of tea..perhaps by then you could tell me about your new tattoo!

  5. I thought about a henna tattoo, too. Just to see. Enjoyed your answers today.

  6. The Yankees are not my team, but I sure do love to watch them play. Loved your answers! Have a nice weekend.

  7. P.S. Guess what, you and I get along just fine as we are a like--I am not that sentimental and I am told I am a bully, which your not, just saying I there, LOLOL.


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