Thursday, October 10, 2019

Autumn at the Bay

Autumn colors are the loveliest of the year, I think. Reds, Oranges, yellows, blues, soft beige and browns, I like them all and the contrast they create. I love the autumn skies as well. The skies have more purples in them than I see in summer and I love how they reflect on the water.
As always these are all taken right in my neighborhood and if you click on them you can see them full size.
Joining SkyWatch Friday and Friday Photos.

Dogs love the water and the beach.

 I love this oatmeal color. I have a winter sweater (jumper) that matches this color.

The woods by my house

I have said before that my neighborhood as many marinas.
  Saturday 9. coming up on,well, Saturday!   I hope you will come back and join in with us. It is a lot of fun and a good way to get to know other bloggers.


  1. Beautiful sky shot, and I like the photo of the woods by your house!

  2. Looks like a lovely weekend for you. I do love the woods scene too. You live in a very diverse environment! Got it all!! Happy Weekend. We are off to NC for a family reunion!

  3. To have beaches and woods in your neighborhood - what a contrast. And yes, the lighting of this season is definitely different.


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