z Cottage by the Sea : Baby's in Black
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Saturday, November 30, 2019

Baby's in Black

It is  confusing sometimes around the holidays.  Days seem to blend together and I sometimes forget what day it is. Well, this Thanksgiving holiday was no exception. It is hard to believe that today is Friday and tomorrow is Saturday already. 
But here we are with another Saturday 9 and this week the title is  Baby's In Black
Sam, our hostess says: "Welcome to Saturday 9. What we've committed to our readers is that we will post 9 questions every Saturday. Sometimes the post will have a theme, and at other times the questions will be totally unrelated. Those weeks we do "random questions," so-to-speak. We encourage you to visit other participants posts and leave a comment. Because we don't have any rules, it is your choice. We hate rules. We love memes, however, and here is today's meme!"

Saturday 9: Baby's in Black (1964)

Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here.
 From our archives.

1) Black is this week's signature color because Friday was "Black Friday," the day when retailers cut their prices and consumers flock to the stores. Did you score any "Black Friday" bargains?
No. I just stayed home with things to do. I am not one for shopping with a lot of crazy people around and Black Friday seems to attract all the crazy people.

2) Feasting and football are also popular Thanksgiving weekend pastimes. Do your Thursday-Sunday plans include pigging out or watching a game?
No pigging, no games either.  I don't like feeling stuffed so I am a moderate eater. But Sunday is the Famous Anonymous' birthday so we will be celebrating yet again. 

3) At Thanksgiving dinners, Crazy Sam's homemade gravy is always a hit. (Probably because she's so generous with the cognac, which gives the gravy a nutty taste.) What was particularly delicious at your Thanksgiving table?
It's always the stuffing which is made with sausage, apples, walnuts, etc.
But now that I hear about Cognac.. I am going to give that a try for sure. Sounds wonderful and perfect for nutty guests.

4) Among the biggest the Black Friday advertisers are Target, Kohl's, Macy's and Best Buy. If you could have a $100 gift card to any one of those stores, which would you choose?
Macy's.  Would be a good excuse to go into the city (though we have them in malls here on the Jersey side..) and see the decorations for the holiday.

5) This week's song, "Baby's in Black," is about a girl who wears black because she's in mourning. Do you find that the color you're wearing reflects your mood?
I think the style I am wearing reflects my mood more than the color.

6) The woman who inspired this song, Astrid Kirchherr, has been friends with Paul McCartney since he and his bandmates (John Lennon, George Harrison, Stu Sutcliffe and Pete Best) met her in Hamburg back in 1960. Tell us what you believe are the components of a strong, lasting friendship.
Common interests.

7) In the early days of the Beatles, Paul McCartney and John Lennon began writing a play but abandoned it. Do you have a novel, painting, play, song or poem that you're going to finish "someday?"
No I finished the things I began in those areas. I always work on my art though and will change it and make it better over time.

8) When he was 16, George Harrison dreamed of moving to Canada, Australia or Malta. In just a few years, he would visit all those places with Beatles and eventually decided there was no place like home and stayed in England (though he did also maintain a home in Hawaii). Have you ever thought about moving to another country? If so, where?
I don't dream of moving outside the US but if I had to, it would be Canada. Canada is beautiful, very familiar to people from the states and of course the same language,except for the eh and aboot.
I could probably also fit well in Scotland or Ireland. 

9)  Random question: Finish this sentence -- If you want me to give you "yes" for an answer, the best time to approach me is _____________________.
when you have a question that requires a yes answer!  My no will be no despite the time you approach me if no is the appropriate way to respond and vice versa, my yes would be yes. The only thing that might change my answer would be that the timing of what you want to do, get, etc is off.


  1. I enjoyed the answers. And I suppose, I would be one of those nutty guests, LOLOL. Have a great day, friend. smiles

  2. I agree that it's the style or article of clothing more than the color. Some outfits make me feel invincible.

    I'm intrigued by the cognac idea. I'm trying champagne in the roaster with the turkey today. The likelihood of me trying the cognac may depend on the success of this recipe. lol

    Have a wonderful Saturday, Annie!

  3. Your answer to #9 intrigues me. I suppose a "yes" should be a "yes" no matter when the question is proposed.

  4. I lived in Canada for a short while and loved it, but it was good to get back to Texas. I wouldn't want to live overseas, if I did I would live in England.

  5. Aha! You cannot be swayed to a yes from a No position. Steady as a rock. Good Answer!
    I'd go to Canada, too. I'd like to leave along the Pacific Coast in Canada.
    No football for me, either. However, we always go to an in-laws house and the TV must be on non-stop on a ball game. Well, no rugby.. darn..

  6. I did Black Friday shopping in the store only one year. I could not believe how people were acting. My husband used to go out a lot when we were younger. We both shop online for Black Friday shopping now. We do not need much at this point. Loved your answers! Have a nice weekend.



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