z Cottage by the Sea : Photos on Friday
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Friday, November 29, 2019

Photos on Friday

Was your holiday as nice as ours? I hope it was.
There is no greater American holiday than Thanksgiving Day as it marks the beginning of American history. 78% of the women died that first year in Plimouth,Massachusetts and only 4 were left to cook the Thanksgiving meal attended by their  Indian friends and the men and children who survived to help build  " one nation, under God with liberty and justice for all."
 You can enlarge any of these photos and all are taken by me in my neighborhood.
I am joining in again with Skywatch Friday and Friday Photos.

This year's Thanksgiving Table

Last year's table
Evening sky

Fluffy daytime clouds over the bay


  1. Lovely table set up for Thanksgiving. Sky images are great. Have a nice weekend.

  2. Lovely pictures and table. I pray your day was filled with much joy and many blessings. I know we had a very full day. But it was wonderful. Now we must prepare for Christmas! But it is a happy time.

  3. I love love your siggy at the end. You set a very lovely table my friend.

  4. Beautiful Thanksgiving table, both this year and last. Hope it was a good one, and have a nice weekend!

  5. Your table reflects all the love and finesse you put into events and gifts for those you care about . Beautiful table... wonderful company...yummy food...precious people !
    Wishing all , glowing good health and joy !


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