Thursday, January 16, 2020

Pictures On A Friday

Windy cold days bring bright sunshine to the seashore which has had more than it's share of rain and untimely warmth. The Grand Solar Minimum, which may last for 70 years, is upending the weather, moods and all manner of things and people. We must just wait it out. But, on Thursday, as I write this, the temperatures are falling quickly and I am glad for a winter return.
Here is Friday Photos and Skywatch Friday. 

Winter dressed up in ice blue and showing off her glory

This Alone is Beautiful......The sea rushing against the rocks and sending up
a spray like bubbles from a glass of cool, sparkling champagne.
It Whirls up and around the jetties and the foam fizzles on top.
The icy blue and green slap the white sands and then go sliding back to their marine home of delicate coral-flowers and tiny creatures.
A seagull dives to catch a fish.
Waves glide across miles of endless beauty under a calm sky.
A schooner's sleek body and graceful white sails slide across the horizon to meet the setting sun.
Mist blesses the air coming to rest on my skin and hair.
Heaven thunders!
The Moon rises......
All this.......
and the serenade of seagulls and pounding surf
The sweet refrain repeats again like April
—©Ann K. Jaeger  written for English class when I was 15

"Softly the evening came. The sun from the western horizon like a magician extended his golden wand o'er the landscape; Twinkling vapors arose; and sky and water and forest seemed all on fire at the touch, and melted and mingled together"—Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

"They that go down to the sea in ships, that do business in great waters;
These see the works of the Lord, and his wonders in the deep. "—Psalm 107

The Golden marsh road leads to the blue open sea. What adventures lie ahead?
Stop by on Saturday for Saturday 9.


  1. Oh, I love your pictures today, Annie, and the words you wrote when you were 15 are amazing...that should be printed in a book with your photos or on a lovely calendar, which I still think you should create with your paintings and/or photos. Love the snow scene, and the beautiful sunrise...and the ships...and the golden marsh leading to the blue open sea. Very poetic today, and I love it!

  2. Your photos are great. I love the one where the sea rushes against the rocks.

  3. Beautiful poem and photos. I love the first one of Winter in all her glory!

  4. Beautiful pictures and commentary, enjoyed it all. Hope all is well with you today.

  5. Good Morning , my friend !
    Wonderful header ! Oh , to live in that house ! There , one is elevated from flood ,yet with a clear sea view...warm light from the windows suggests a cozy interior
    and the scent of a savory dinner ! Ahhhhh...
    Thank you for the lovely photos and apropos fitting . Interesting that even at fifteen , you were "painting" so beautifully with words !
    Wishing you daily joy !

  6. Greetings and Salutations! I love Snoopy's quote. You were a very good writer at 15. Lovely photographs posted this week. cya.


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