Saturday, January 25, 2020

Go Where My Baby Lives

Hi friends,
 The week having sped by quickly, brings us to the end and to Saturday 9.
Saturday 9 is brought to us by our host Sam Winters:
"Welcome to Saturday: 9. What we've committed to our readers is that we will post 9 questions every Saturday. Sometimes the post will have a theme, and at other times the questions will be totally unrelated. Those weeks we do "random questions," so-to-speak. We encourage you to visit other participants posts and leave a comment. Because we don't have any rules, it is your choice. We hate rules. We love memes, however, and here is today's meme!"
click to visit 

Go Where Baby Lives (1957)

Unfamiliar with this week's song. Hear it here.

1) The lyrics tell us that the girl of his dreams lives up on a hill. Is there a hill near your home? Or is the terrain pretty flat where you are?
There are hills around me in places here. .Overall, the NJ shore is very flat while the rest of NJ is not and we have the Appalachian mountains, the Kittatinny, the Ramapo Mountain range, the Palisades  and the Watchung Mountains.

Delaware Water Gap, New Jersey

Kittatinny mountains , NJ

Ramapo Mountains, NJ
Lower Manhattan seen from the Watchung Mountains in New Jersey

Appalachian Trail in New Jersey
New Jersey Palisades that separate New York  and New Jersey. That's the Hudson River.

2) Another clue to her whereabouts is that she's about a mile from town. Will you be staying close to home this weekend, or will you be traveling a mile or more?

I don't have any travel plans but I I would love to go out. It's been a long while and I am suffering from cabin fever.

3) Sam admits she's crazy about the sax solo. Is there a particular musical instrument that you love to listen to?

There are a lot of them that I like. Violin, classical guitar, piano, pipe organ to name a few. 

4) This is the only record The Strollers made for States, a company based out of Chicago. States was only in existence for five years (1952-57) and this was the 63rd or 64 records released before they went out of business. Tell us about a business in your neighborhood that recently closed their doors.

 There is a boat sales place that seems not to be there anymore. The place looks deserted for a while now. Our local Merle Norman  store owner closed so she  could retire. No one took over the business though she did a really very profitable business here.

5) More than 60 years after its initial release, this song enjoyed new popularity when Xfinity used it in commercials for their WiFi. What company is your internet service provider? Are you happy with it?
Comcast Xfinity. No, I am not happy with them as service is spotty and poor. But you get charged for times it is down , which is often. And, adding to that, they are   s   l   o   w .  Nope, not happy at all.
Sick of the internet monopoly too. No choice.  Also their deals are scams and your bill creeps up higher and higher each month.  I got rid of TV because of  that. Without cable we get zero reception here at all on television because of our unique position. Even before cable people living here could not really receive reception even from NYC or Philadelphia stations without a super powerful antenna.
6) In researching this week's song, Sam googled "strollers" and was surprised to discover how many different types of baby buggies are available today. When did you most recently push a child in a stroller?
Only 8 years ago.

7) In 1957, the year this song was released, President Eisenhower celebrated his second inaugural with a parade featuring more than 50 marching bands. The mercury never quite reached 45º that day. How's the weather outside your front door?

Today (Friday late  afternoon) it has just begun to rain and rain is expected through tomorrow.

8) One of the best-selling books of 1957 was Peyton Place. This steamy saga of small town life launched two films, two television series, and several made-for-TV movies. Is there a book that you
David Nelson, Hope Lange in Peyton  Place 1957
enjoyed that was successfully turned to a movie?
I am not a big reader of novels like that as I prefer to see the movie. I've seen all the Peyton Place movies,not in their time but as reruns on TV or on YouTube,etc.  I really enjoyed the Peyton Place ones.  
So I don't know if Peyton Place was true to the novel.
I think the Spenser For Hire was a good job with interpreting the books as is the Jesse Stone series. I also think most of the Jane Austen movies were very well done and true to the novels. A Christmas carol is another book that translated well in movie form.

9) A Peyton Place-inspired question: Can a man be physically unfaithful to a woman, but still love her?
Sure, of course. And vice versa for a woman. 
Of course it depends on the situation and the person. 
Look, we all do things we  should not do.  
 Some people's sins are more visible than others, some more hidden but everyone has done things they should not do both big things and small things.  
Some people are weak in some ways but it does not mean they are incapable of love.  If you think it over a person can absolutely not love you at all and be very faithful to you anyway.  People are complex beings.
So.. now turn this around a bit.  If someone says they really do love you and yet cheats.. can you forgive?  That may be a bigger test of love.

Tomorrow is Sunday Stealing. Will you be stealing with us?


  1. #4 -- I imagine boat sales required a large space. I wonder what will go in there! There was a venerable Sears store near me that's simply too big for retail in this century. It's being converted into condos.

    #9 -- What a thoughtful answer.

  2. Such beautiful photos...the one of the Delaware Water Gap brought back a lot of memories. I canoed through there a couple of times back in 1981 when I was working with the Youth Conservation Corps.

    On #9, I agree we all have weaknesses and sin, and that forgiveness of each other is required...but I also think if we truly love someone, their well-being should be our primary concern and we should do all we can to keep ourselves from temptation...especially if we know an area is a weakness of ours.

  3. Love your photos.

    I think the nature of retail is changing, and we will see many store closings.

  4. Beautiful photos, smiles. Have a great day friend. smiles

  5. I love your pictures of your town! So pretty! Loved your answers! Have a nice weekend.

  6. Beautiful header and photos - gives the lie to those who think New Jersey is all stinky refineries and overcrowded cities !
    The questions and answers were thought-provoking . Thank you for this post !
    The cure for cabin fever is Retail Therapy !!! Do it !
    Be well , my friend !

  7. Your number 9 is much more gracious than mine.. and I did like your answer... it was honest and godly as well, considering the fall of mankind.. Your NJ photos are magnificent!

  8. Such beautiful pictures of the mountains in NJ. I don't think the rest of the country is aware that NJ has so much beauty because we never hear about it. You should do some PR work for the state to help improve its image to the rest of the country! Very good answers to the questions. I don't remember much about the Peyton Place shows, only that they were on, but I never watched them. I don't think I was permitted to see them...and have never had the opportunity since becoming an adult. I am sorry you are having cabin fever. Wish we lived closer and we could get together and visit back and forth! But spring is coming and hopefully you will be able to get out and about again soon.


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