If you have old injuries you know that the falling barometer does have an impact on how you feel. Add to this that we are undergoing a Grand Solar Minimum for a few years now and its peaking around now, and you have some terrible situations for health and moods! Not sleeping? Depressed a bit more than usual? Anxiety? Moody? Achy? Sick more often? Blame the Grand Solar Minimum. It is also responsible for colder temperatures and earth cooling, including some ice age stuff. Ooof..
2020 is when the rubber hits the road, though we've been building up to it and it may last for 70 years. Yup. It is what caused the Little Ice Age from 1300 to 1850. So.. head's up.
But, take heart! It is time for Sunday Stealing.. a very worthwhile endeavor and something you can enjoy to the fullest!!
"Hi! I'm your host Bev Sykes of the blog "Funny the World". . Welcome to Sunday Stealing. This feature originated and published on WTIT: The Blog. Here we will steal all types of questions from every corner of the blogosphere. Our promise to you is that we will work hard to find the most interesting and intelligent questions. (Past hosts include: Our first - Judd Corizan, Mr. L, Kwizgiver and Bud) Cheers to all of us thieves!"

1. January usually has ample amounts of snowfall in parts of the world. Did you ever make snow cream as a kid?
I don't think I ever did. Sounds like fun though.
2. January is one of the months with 31 days. What are you going to do with that extra day?
Haha! Never thought of the 31st of the month as an extra day. I will spend it doing whatever it is I have to do or plan to do. I just hope I don't waste it.
3. What is your favorite magazine?
The New Yorker for the covers. I just love the covers and cartoons. I used to love the Saturday Evening Post as well.
4. If you live to be 99 years old, what would you like your life to be like in that last decade??
Healthy and very happy and spending time with family.
5. The great world of Wikipedia tells me that scientists claim 99% of all documented species are extinct. Which remaining species in the 1% category would you really like to see extinct. And which species in the 99% category would you like to bring back?
I doubt scientists are right. They have no clue. However, I would make snakes extinct and poisonous animals and bugs.
I would bring back ...ummm.. nothing I can think of. They are probably gone for a good reason!
6. On January 14, 1986 motorists were required for the first time to wear seat belts?
Do you always buckle up? Why or why not?
Yes. I absolutely buckle up because I was in a bad accident without them as they were in a box in the back seat waiting to be installed.
7. Why did the cow jump over the moon?.
Because it was the only way she could prove how gloriously talented she was at jumping. A show
horse jumper challenged her and well.. she had to do it. She did it! And now has the title!
9. Have you said anything in the last 24 hours that you regret?
All the time, yes. I am the world's most prolific repenter.
10. Have you ever written anything on your blog that you wish you could take back?
Yes and I delete them usually before posting. I once wrote a portrait, a caricature of person that hurt their feelings badly. I was 18. I regret it to this day. There was nothing mean in what I intended at all and it was not meant for anyone but me to see. It ruined me for writing. actually.It hurt her feelings badly and there was no way to make up for that.
11. Are you the blabber or the blabbee? Tell us your most embarrassing blabbermouth moment.
I keep secrets very well. But, as a kid I was a blabbermouth.
True story:
I was about 8. We were at Stengl's Glass Factory and Pottery ware in Flemington NJ with my mother and auntie.
![]() |
Meadows Sisters |
You guessed it.. Jane and Audrey were there!
My mother called me over and said.. "For the love of God, whatever you do, do NOT tell your Aunt about them or we will all be doomed." That is an exact quote actually.
I immediately went to tell my Aunt that they were there.
The next moments were horrific. This chubby, very short woman was charging like a lunatic locomotive right at the Meadows sisters, arms waving wildly in the air, hair on fire, screaming, "Jane and Audrey Meadows!!!" at the top of her lungs.
Seeing the death look in my mother's eyes, I ran under a display table to hide from the horror of the event.
The Meadows sisters were amazingly kind and lovely to my aunt. Jayne Meadows smiled and waved in a very sweet way to me in my hiding place. She had seen what had gone on. It softened my Mom... thank goodness.
2nd story:
My cousin fell off the roof porch of my grandparents house and fractured her skull.
My mom, a registered nurse said, "Be quiet now.. let me tell your Aunt"
I ran to my aunt immediately... "Auntie, V just fell of the roof and her head is all broken up"
My aunt fainted.
Yes, I was a real winner.
12. How important is a cell phone in your life?
Well its my only phone so its important to make a receive calls. Though I want a rotary dial back, darn it!
13. A "cuisine" is typically influenced by and named after geographical regions and cultures. Pretend your blog is a country. What is the name of your cuisine?
"Cottage Style Seafood. "
If you want a dynamite recipe for Fish Vera Cruz go to my other Blog..
Rock and Roll Cafe
14. You are the Blog Paparazzi! Which blogger's real photograph are you most interested in getting?
Linda Conley. hehehehe She refuses to show anything that isn't blurry.
15. Are you always on time or just a tad late?
I am always a bit late for people, on time for appointments.
Late because it is polite not to come right on time to someone's home and by that I mean a few minutes late, not hours.
16. Can you think of a time when you were late for something and it was REALLY a big deal?
Ummm.....No because if it was a really big deal I would think that I'd remember it.
17. If you were on your way to work and had five minutes to get there, would you stop in the road to rescue a crossing turtle?
Yes of course. No job is that important that I would let another being be harmed or not help.
18. When you are having a really good day, what usually makes it good?
People and something nice to do.
19. What is the most annoying Christmas song?
All the rock and roll songs like. All I want for Christmas is You. Its very annoying after a while.
20. You are Snow White. Which dwarf is your favorite and why?
Doc because he is the smartest.
Well happy Sunday friends.
Sunday night at 9PM I will post Toni's Tuesday 4 meme questions. on the new Tuesday 4 site HERE
awe I love all of your answers! I've decided to keep the turtle, so we'll be stopping for breakfast for him before work!!!
My parents used to take us to the glass factory in Flemington, No celebrity sitings, though.
ReplyDelete(grinning) Shaking my finger, you're a very,
ReplyDeletevery, very bad girl, especially wanting my photo, bahahahahaa. lol
We think a lot along the same lines esp #2 and #5. Have a great new week!
ReplyDeleteI wonder whether cows can actually jump. The fences that keep them in the fields seem to be quite low.
Interesting post - thank you !
ReplyDeleteAs to jumping cows - if you've ever watched the Animal Vet shows on TV , it's apparent cows don't like to be told what to do and will try to jump out of a confining pen to avoid anything invasive and pokey ! Personally , I'm in favor of girls of all types achieving their full potential...moon jumping included !
P.S. -
Thanks for the information on the Grand Solar Minimum...explains a lot !
Wishing you Joy !
I am with you on snakes and poisonous animals going away.
ReplyDeleteI am glad you are posting the Tuesday 4 tonight. I will try to remember to come by and get it so it will be ready to post. I always make visits after I get home from work.
Loved your answers! Have a nice day!
I'm glad that the Meadows sisters hung out together, and that they were nice.
ReplyDeleteOh, Linda would be another good blogger to catch a picture of! We said pretty much exactly the same thing about extinct animals and those who should be extinct. I hope you've been enjoying a lovely Sunday!
ReplyDeleteLoved the Meadow sisters story!