Saturday, February 1, 2020


Sunday Stealing with Bev Sykes. Join here.

Food meme Stolen from Book Mama, who stole it from Jenefur.  Thanks to The Gal Herself for the suggestion!

How do you like your eggs? boiled, fried, scrambled, poached. Anyway at all.

How do you take your coffee/tea: cream, no sugar

Favorite breakfast foods: eggs, oatmeal.Used to love French toast a lot.

Peanut butter: smooth or crunchy? smooth and only Peter Pan.

What kind of dressing on your salad? oil and vinegar

Coke or Pepsi?      No soda for me, but if I did, Coca Cola

You feel like cooking. What do you make?

You’re feeling lazy. What do you make?  Tuna salad or egg salad

You’re feeling really lazy. What kind of pizza do you order? thin crust with mushrooms

Is there a food you refuse to eat? shellfish, pork.

Favorite fruit & vegetable: pineapple, French cut green beans with garlic.

Favorite junk food: Potato chips, pop corn

Favorite between meal snack: carrots, celery

Do you have any weird food habits: No,I don't.

You’re on a diet. What food(s) do you fill up on? Vegetables and salad

How spicy do you order Indian/Thai?  I've never had Indian or Thai food and probably never will.

The perfect nightcap?
A glass of water.

Tuesday 4 will be up later tonight for those who like to play.


  1. I only buy smooth Peter Pan peanut butter too, smiles. Have a great Sunday, friend. smiles

  2. I only have water at night too. Loved your answers! Have a great day!

  3. Peanut butter ...smooth or crunchy, all natural or not, whatever you’ve got, I’m ok with it. I also like cashew butter and almond butter.

  4. I prefer Jif creamy peanut butter, but will eat crunchy if it is all there is. I love it on celery. I often eat toast with peanut butter and apple butter. Especially good on cinnamon raisin toast. I usually only drink water at night also, but sometimes, when I am feeling chilled I will fix myself a cup of hot ovaltine before bedtime. Or SleepyTime Tea. I don't drink coffee, but I drink hot tea in the morning with honey and cinnamon. Unsweet Iced Tea for lunch, and water the rest of the day. No soda. Occasional root beer or ginger ale, but very seldom. I eat apples for snacks, or other fresh fruits in season. I also love raw carrots and celery for snacks. Love your answers. Hope you are having a great day all day long.


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