z Cottage by the Sea : Friday
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Friday, February 14, 2020


It is time to link up to Skywatch Friday, this week with a few Android phone photos taken early  in the morning a few years back.

Morning Glass

7AM Sunlight
Moonlight on the Bay



Late morning sky.

Breakfast Time
 Have a great Friday.


  1. Love your photos...all of them are special today. I appreciate "messy" probably the most, because that helps me to know you are "real". LOL. Love that morning glass design...well, I love all of them. Thank you for sharing. Have a beautiful day, and Happy Valentine's Day! Sending hearts and hugs to you today. Be blessed.

  2. Beautiful...and I always love your photos, Annie...wishing you a very Happy Valentines Day...I know, I know, I know how you feel about it. Sending lots of hugs and love, my friend.

  3. Isn't it amazing the photos that can be taken with a phone? These are all lovely. Even the mop one. 😊

  4. Pretty photos. I love the cloud shot! Have a nice weekend.

  5. Good Morning , dear friend !
    Today's photos are wonderful...ahhh , the light...so beautiful !
    Visiting with you is the highlight of my day ! Thank you !!!


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