Monday, February 10, 2020

Reading is Fundamental! Tuesday 4 #6

Rainy days and Monday  as I write this.. only no rain  so far and rainy days do not get me down at all. Thank you, Mr. Weatherman. I suppose it will rain later in the day. Skies are silvery today.  I don't mind it. When I was living out west where the skies were sunny non-stop, I used to long for good old rainy, drizzly days.   When I was living at university in Ohio it seemed to rain every Thursday almost without fail  And in the dreaded Miami where I had relations living and spent time, it rained everyday at 3 o'clock.
Enough of the stupid weather report, let me get on with the Tuesday 4 questions and answers, however.

Welcome to Tuesday 4, a weekly question and answer started by Toni Taddeo and kept going in her memory.
This week is about reading, or TV or movies if you are not a real reader.

1.  Do you have some favorite books to share?(if you don't read, how about favorite TV programs or movies?) 
I like  books by Agatha Christie and Robert Parker. I have also enjoyed a few books by Dorothy L. Sayers. and most of the books of Amy Tan. 

  I recommend Seventeen by Booth Tarkington, The Magnificent Ambersons by Tarkington,  
The Witches of Eastwick by John Updike, Steinbeck's East of Eden,  
Agatha Christie's And Then There Were None,
 any book by Washington Irving  is good, 
James Mitchener's Hawaii, 
and Amy Tan's The Joy Luck Club.
One Fifth Avenue by Candace Bushnell is very good, 
as is 44 Charles Street by Danielle Steele. 
Finally, I would recommend that you read the works of O'Henry. You will not be sorry.  You might recall his story Gift of the Magi which is quite well known.
Also try  Gift from the Sea by Anne Morrow Lindbergh.

2.  When looking for  a book(or program) what things do you look for?
 I look for books with characters , times and settings that I find interesting.

3.  Does the cover of a book make a difference or help you choose?(or do trailers help you decide on a TV or movie program?)
Yes it can make all the difference in the world. 

4.  What is your favorite genre of book, TV or movie? That is, is it science fiction, romance, mystery, true story, biography?  

Mystery and biographies interest me as well as books on anthropology and theology.

Have a great Tuesday. See  you tomorrow.


  1. Good post. Sometimes it is raining here a whole week. That isn't funny and the kids are so grumpy on such days. You know: biking through the rain isn't the most beautiful thing to do.

    I also love mystery (genre) in books. And some good theology.

  2. Lots of great books on your list. There are a couple I haven't read. I'm going to have to check them out.

  3. OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH LOVEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE the header, smiles. I really enjoyed this meme, Anne. smiles

  4. Although I'm not a reader, I love movies, especially Hallmark.

  5. Yes, lots of great books on your list. I've read abut half of them.

  6. Toni would have loved this topic for Tuesday 4! I have not tried to read an Agatha Christie book, but I love the movies. I really need to check one out. Loved your answers! Have a nice week.

  7. I saw the Joy Luck Club and the movies with my cousin. It was a great movie! I like deep relational movies like that. I also lie Star Wars! I like movies/books that are a series. I really like the Left Behind series. Have you read them?

  8. Thanks for sharing your answers. I am a fan of Romance Novels. Enjoy the rest of your week.

  9. Seventeen was my first book that I absolutely loved, aside from the Tricia Belsen books. I thinkLl read it again. I’m intrigued with the use of vit c for the nerve pain. It can be almost debilitating. Do you remember
    how much you took!

    1. Hi Schotzy, I took 3 tablets of 1000 mg Vit C daily. I also made sure that my Vit A was up to snuff.
      If you find 3000 mg too much, decrease it until you tolerate it. But, I found it did work very well and worked for others as well.
      I found this : "Having low blood levels of vitamin C is associated with an increased risk post-herpetic neuralgia — the nerve pain that can persist after an outbreak of shingles (Herpes zoster). There is also evidence that intravenous vitamin C can help reduce the incidence and intensity of post-herpetic nerve pain."

  10. I love to read, and try to read several small books a week, or at least one big book. This is mostly during the winter months when it is dark early and I can't go out and "play". I am noticing that our days are getting longer, so I probably won't be reading as much, although since I will soon be having surgery, I will probably do a lot of reading then. I enjoy mysteries, clean old fashioned romances and adventure stories, historical fiction and biographies. I mostly read for entertainment and not so much for "research" these days. I don't watch much tv at all, so reading takes the place of that. Today looks like it will be cloudy here, but no rain in sight. It is also rather warm already this morning at 67 degrees and humid. We really need the rain to keep our pond from drying up!! Have a blessed day.


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