z Cottage by the Sea : Sunday Thievery!
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Saturday, March 28, 2020

Sunday Thievery!

Stealing is wrong. Just wrong. But, if you are a Sunday thief, well, it is perfectly okay so, go right ahead.

And I am going ahead myself with this week's list of questions:

""Hi! I'm your host Bev Sykes of the blog "Funny the World".   Welcome to Sunday Stealing. This feature originated and published on WTIT: The Blog. Here we will steal all types of questions from every corner of the blogosphere. Our promise to you is that we will work hard to find the most interesting and intelligent questions. Cheers to all of us thieves!
My friend, author, artist and theater critic Alec Clayton decided to write a series of more complicated questions to answer during this corona virus time, when we are all looking for something to do if we are staying home.  I thought his questions intriguing."

1. If there's a personal god, what quality would you most like that person to have (and why)?
 I believe there is a personal God because He deals not only with nations but individuals.  I also respect Him enough to know that I cannot demand things of Him or state what he "should' be or attempt to describe Him.
Now if you mean a personal god in the manner of it being some human being, that is really an awful thought, but the answer to the quality would have to be mercy.

2. What's your death-row meal?
I would be too sick to my stomach to eat.

3. Assuming we make it through this outbreak with minimal loss of life, what do you think our big takeaway should be?
Don't let the government handle your life for you or remove your rights from you no matter what the cost and make washing your hands a regular thing. Many people are just too uncleanly. Don't follow blindly, don't believe everything you hear. Learn.. learn , learn and use your brains!
And side note.. we made it through lots worse. 

4. Whom do you find yourself missing more than you would've predicted?

No one. I am alone most of the time and the result is I am used to it and don't miss anyone anymore. I am happy with myself and like my own company.

5. What brings you the most joy? Not happiness, not contentment -- JOY.

  Being outside smelling cedar and pine is nice  but then again, I am not sure how joy might differ from happiness really. Webster defines it as  "a feeling of great pleasure and happiness." It is simply a synonym for happiness. 
Middle English: from Old French joie, based on Latin gaudium, from gaudere ‘rejoice’. Both Latin, Greek and Hebrew define it as being satisfied and happy. So I don't see a difference at all.

6. Do you find yourself regretting anything you've said or done on social media?

What I regret isn't what I have said but how others react. People are way too fragile today and uneducated on the whole .  People today are so easily offended and reject things out of hand if it doesn't jell with their preconceived notions.  Many react emotionally to things without looking at the entire picture especially in crisis or perceived crisis situations. They are "triggered". That's a dangerous way to live your life. In old movies that was the person who destroyed things for everyone else, the weak link so to speak who turned everyone else in or was a coward.

7. What are your favorite and least favorite things about your body and face?
  I think my eyebrows are a bit thin. 
I think my nose is good. For anthropologists out there, it is typically ango-saxon or hyperleptorrhine .

8. and your life?
Favorite thing would be my kids and least favorite that I never met a  man who was decent.

9. How's the self-isolation affecting your libido?
Nothing has changed and what that means is no one's business at all.

10. Which three places in the physical universe would you most like to visit?
 Prince Edward Island again, Montana, Northern Idaho

11. On whom did you have a crush years ago?     Have you ever told them? 
Don't know and and no I would not tell someone.

12. How have your religious views changed since you were in high school?
I am way smarter now.      I am more solid in my religious belief and more educated.as far as beliefs go.

13. If you could change one law, what would it be?
Dual citizenship in the US.  It is dead wrong. You cannot be faithful to two different nations at the same time. So pick one and live in it.   It was once illegal and for very good reasons!

14. If you could add one commandment to the original ten, what would it be?
I don't have that much chutzpah.

Tuesday 4 questions go up later tonight. Hope you will join in.


  1. Interesting answers. I especially like your answer to 14.

  2. Yes I guess I would be to sick to eat if I knew they were going to kill me! The loss from this virus has not been minimal and I am sure it will increase.

  3. I don't know if I'd be too sick to eat or if I'd drag it out for as long as I could to put off the inevitable.
    I've been content with my own company, too. The harder thing has been having my husband at home 24/7. I need space now and then.

  4. "Learn, learn, Learn - and use your brains!" - wise words.




  5. I prefer my own company (or am content, as you say). I'm happy to be working at home again (even though I hate the circumstances) and enjoy not having so many people around. Easier on the brain...

  6. Enjoyed ALL of your answers. Have a great day.

  7. You always put such thought and grace in all your answers...I especially loved # 3 and 6. Havea blessed day!

  8. http://www.garden4mylord.com/MexicanFood1.html


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