z Cottage by the Sea : Your Constitutional Rights

Saturday, April 18, 2020

Your Constitutional Rights

This lawyer is great. He hits the nail on the head. NO ONE can take your Constitutional rights for any reason.  Now, watch mayors and governors being sued for big, big bucks.
For those who are biblical and refuse to listen Proverbs(Mishlei) states that only a fool answers a question before they hear it.
For those too lazy to listen, I am glad you weren't born during the American Revolution or the Civil War as we would still be British and still have slavery.


  1. "Now, watch mayors and governors being sued for big, big bucks."

    My opinion may not be popular, but...Many of them did this out of fear of the virus, but some of them are extending it to hurt Trump.

    1. Yes, they did do it from fear, however, not an excuse to defy the Constitution and wrong to do. You do not monkey with the Constitution as the judge, who ruled against this has stated.

  2. My esteemed colleague is incorrect, and those suits are likely to fail. Public emergencies trump the usual constitutional rights. Lincoln suspended habeas corpus, after all.

    1. NEVER EVER DO PUBLIC EMERGENCIES trump Constitutional Rights and the Bill of Rights.

    2. Lincoln was wrong to do that and was called a traitor its one reason he was assassinated.

  3. Some reading For your edification

    “The Constitution,” Justice John Marshall Harlanwrote for a 7-2 majority, “does not import an absolute right in each person to be, at all times and in all circumstances, wholly freed from restraint.” Instead, “a community has the right to protect itself against an epidemic.” Its members “may at times, under the pressure of great dangers, be subjected to such restraint, to be enforced by reasonable regulations, as the safety of the general public may demand.”

    States also have the power, beyond criminal law enforcement, to make quarantine and isolation effective. If presented with widespread noncompliance, governors may call National Guard units to put their orders into force, to safeguard state property and infrastructure, and to maintain the peace. In some states, individuals who violate emergency orders can be detained without charge and held in isolation.

    1. Now, that is just pitiful. I am sorry you feel this way, IT IS NOT OK.

    2. Nope not all restraint in a marginal sort of way, for instance you can't yell fire in a public place, however, the Constitution and the Bill of Rights cannot be abrogated for any reason.

  4. Additional reading on the subject,


  5. And I just loved how my governor, Andrew Cuomo, gave a class in high school civics, the Constitution, and federalism to our esteemed leader, who seems to not understand that he is a president, not a king.

  6. Apologies to Robin, who is a lawyer and should know better...

    NOW, high fiving you for posting this. 100% correct.

  7. Thank you for making us aware of these things that are taking place and affecting our rights. I am keeping myself alert to those potential dangers to our freedoms, and praying for our President to stay strong and keep us safe on all fronts. I am not entering into political discussions at this point as there is so much going on that I find it a bit too overwhelming, but I am not hiding my head in the sand. Just praying and watching and praying. I believe God is also watching and He is still on the throne and in control...regardless of politicians and/or public opinion. I keep my "armor on", (Ephesians 6:11-18) and am ready to stand strong.

  8. Good for you Pamela!! Always be alert. its the best way to be.
    I look at these discussions on politics are beneficial and good.
    The bible says Iron sharpens iron.

  9. Look everyone.. Iron shapens iron and sparks fly.. You should see men learning gemara. torah. Yup they get heated!!! Fists slam down! Voices raise.. they argue.
    But its for a good purpose.. to hash out the law and get good ideas. Frankly both sides have truth in the debate!

  10. As to staying alert -
    A high school chemistry teacher told the story of the frog who was put into a beaker of water...over a flame...whose temperature was raised ever so slowly . The frog didn't notice
    and was boiled to death without a clue . So , too , do leaders use such tactics to take control .
    The ends do not justify the means ! Stay alert !


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