z Cottage by the Sea : Uncle Albert.. So Sorry
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Saturday, May 30, 2020

Uncle Albert.. So Sorry

Well, this week went by quickly it seems. It's been rainy and chilly for most of it, but Friday the temperature jacked up to 87°F.  But storms are all around and I feel uncomfortable from the low barometric pressure.

On to Saturday 9.
"Welcome to Saturday: 9. What we've committed to our readers is that we will post 9 questions every Saturday. Sometimes the post will have a theme, and at other times the questions will be totally unrelated. Those weeks we do "random questions," so-to-speak. We encourage you to visit other participants posts and leave a comment. Because we don't have any rules, it is your choice. We hate rules. We love to answer the questions, however, and here is today's questions!""

Saturday 9: Uncle Albert/Admiral Halsey (1971)

Unfamiliar with this week's tune?     Hear it here.

1) The lyrics tell us Paul believes it's going to rain. How's the weather where you are today?
Well, its weird. Been very cool but Saturday is supposed to be back up to 80°F again. I can do
small craft warning
without hot weather and especially without humidity.  I dislike summer because its just too hot and humid most of the time.  Tonight we are under a small craft advisory since the water is rough.

2) Paul sings that he is sorry because he hasn't "done a bloody thing all day." What do you hope to accomplish this weekend?
I hope to finish a painting I am about done with.  

3) He also references butter pie, which is made primarily with potatoes (with onions and, of course, butter). That dish is not popular on this side of the Atlantic. Last time you had potatoes, how were they prepared (baked, mashed, hash browned, french fried ...)?
Smashed with butter, onions, parsley and garlic.  
And it's really Lancashire Butter pie. Just make a pastry.. puff preferably, layer in par boiled potatoes, sauteed onion and pats of butter, pepper, salt if you like and bake.  Its the onion and butter that flavor the potato.  Its delicious!!! If you just layer potatoes and onion and add some beef or kidney etc. you can make it Lancashire Hotpot which is also good.  There are great recipes online I am sure. Just make sure you look for Lanchashire Butter Pie.. not just butter pie.

4) Linda McCartney is credited as co-writer and performer on this recording. Paul and Linda were partners in real life, too; married 29 years, they raised four children together. They often said they tried never to spend more than a few hours apart. Do you enjoy a lot of togetherness, or do you value your personal time? Has your experience with Covid19 and quarantine changed how you feel about this?
I always value my time with loved ones.    I am alone most of the time, meals included and it gets old in a hurry.   So I love being with people and always have.  
people who hate people
I love it so much that I took an instant dislike to a vlogger who stated that she hated company and having people in her home or being much in their company. I just couldn't watch her videos after that. She seemed so friendly but it was all fake.
My problem not hers though.
On the next subject, quarantine of healthy people is wrong and makes no medical sense at all  but it makes you appreciate people more I'd say.
 5) Paul and Linda came from very different backgrounds. His family was lower middle class, lived in Liverpool's public housing and received government aid. She grew up in affluent Scarsdale, the daughter of a wealthy theatrical attorney. Do you think it's more important for a couple to share a common background, or to share common interests?
Yes, very important to share religion, political views, similar outlooks and a common financial background if possible.

6) Paul is known for his work ethic. At age 78, he's still making music and performing live. What's your favorite Paul McCartney song?
Well, I like Lennon/McCartney songs best. We Can Work it Out, Michelle, If I Fell, And I Love Her, Here, There and Everywhere, but by Paul alone: This Never Happened Before.

7) In 1971, when this song was a hit, Bobby Fischer was the world's most famous and highest-rated chess player. Do you play chess?
Yes but not very well because I don't play often enough.

8) England's Princess Anne turned 21 in 1971. The occasion was commemorated by a formal portrait, taken by celebrated fashion photographer Norman Parkinson. Who took the most recent photo of you?
The Famous Anonymous or the Ever Popular HollyNoelle.

9) Random question: Do you find it more satisfying to work with your hands, or your head?

I like both equally I think and get satisfaction from a job well done or that I worked hard on.


  1. I enjoyed your answers and the recipe for "butter pie" (Lancashire) sounds very good. Never thought about adding a crust to potatoes. I do make a good scalloped potato recipe, but it has cheese and milk added with the onions and potatoes. I loved the Beatles' early hits, but not so much their later songs when they started messing with drugs and got weird. I totally agree with your thoughts about quarantine of healthy people. I think a lot of the rioting and terrible things happening right now have been also fueled by people being cooped up too long and they are looking for an excuse to rail against the government. But the death of that poor man was definitely inexcusable...but rioting is never a good way to resolve issues. It only makes things worse. Praying for our country right now. Have a blessed day today and I hope you finish your painting!

  2. The butter pie sounds a lot more appetizing the way you described it and I think I'd really like the Hotpot. I like my meat. lol

  3. now I know why we are friends, grin. You know, Ann, you make my day when we chit chat back and forth on FB. Makes me not feel so lonely. I dont think lonely is the correct word...don't get me wrong, love having the guys around, but its not the same as having a "gal pal".

    Have a great day --I figured our humidity would catch up to you at some point. sigh.

  4. The humidity is coming back in force next week here, so I am going to spend some time outside this weekend. Sunny and 70's. I was out almost all day yesterday. It has been raining lie crazy here and has finally stopped for a while. Loved your answers! Have a nice weekend.


  5. I am SO glad you share so much with us !!!
    We learn so many things that enrich our lives...thank you for caring about us...such a precious gift from you !
    Be well , my friend

  6. Curious: Why didn't you just click on the link provided on the original Saturday 9 post? It would have taken you directly to Lancashire Life, a UK publication, and the same recipe they've been sharing with their readers since 1950. No need to search at all.

  7. I have a friend who lives in Lancashire, England. I shall have to ask her about butter pie.


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