z Cottage by the Sea : 77 Sunset Strip
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Saturday, July 11, 2020

77 Sunset Strip

Well, I am a  fan of this program and have seen  a lot of it on YouTube.

"Welcome to Saturday 9. What we've committed to our readers is that we will post 9 questions every Saturday. Sometimes the post will have a theme, and at other times the questions will be totally unrelated. Those weeks we do "random questions," so-to-speak. We encourage you to visit other participants posts and leave a comment. Because we don't have any rules, it is your choice. We hate rules. We love memes, however, and here is today's meme."

  77 Sunset Strip (1958)

Unfamiliar with this week's tune?  Here it is:

1) 77 Sunset Strip was one of TV's early hits, running for six seasons. Before this morning, were you familiar with this show?
Yes. I'm a fan of old TV programs.

2) The show's jazzy theme is punctuated by finger snaps. When you snap your fingers, is the left-handed snap as loud as your right-handed snap?
They used to be. 

3) The show revolved around Bailey and Spencer Investigations. Stu Bailey and Jeff Spencer were among TV first "private eyes." Who is your all-time favorite TV PI?
Spenser for Hire from the 80s.

4) Their office had "a fancy label," meaning an attractive address, on Los Angeles' Sunset Blvd.
Home across from the ocean
Tell us about the prestige area of your neighborhood.
Hmm, I guess right on the ocean side in the big Victorian houses along the beaches. Huge homes, big money.  We aren't a city so, there isn't any high life to speak of.

5) Next door was Dino's Lodge, the real-life restaurant and bar owned by entertainer Dean Martin. Are you a Dean Martin fan?
He sang beautifully. My son liked his singing after hearing some of his songs on a TV commercial for a collection of his songs.. 

6) The valet at Dino's was Kookie. He was known for his perfect hair, his slang ("ginchy" meant cool, "germsville" was the hospital, "a dark seven" was a bad week) and his desire to someday be a private investigator, like Stu and Jeff. Do you think you'd be a good detective?
Yes. I love to investigate and research things.  I have good instincts too, I think.

7) Stu and Jeff had a loyal secretary named Suzanne, played by French actress Jacqueline Beer. She was married to adventurer Thor Heyerdahl, who famously traveled from Peru to French Polynesia by raft. Does 100 days on a raft, sailing the south seas, sound fascinating to you?
Nope. It does not. Those seas down there are rough and dangerous.

8) Clint Eastwood was fan of the show and, in the 1990s, tried unsuccessfully to bring 77 Sunset Strip back. Is there a show from the past you'd like to see "rebooted?"
I think most of the programs from the 50s-80s. They were better back then.
I think I  would love to see City Confidential come back.

9) Random question: Thinking about the last week, did you nag anyone? Or were you the one who was nagged?
I didn't nag anyone and no one was nagging me either!

Tropical storm Fay was not much to speak of but it did knock down a huge pine tree. It fell just a few feet from my house and would have taken out my roof if it had come closer.
It is one of two dead tall pines on government land behind me. Both are dead and so not a good situation. Luckily this one was rotted and cracked up coming down. It took out my fence and a lovely rose bush but nothing else.


  1. I'm glad your storm damage wasn't any worse! We finally got a couple of good storms last night. I believe some areas had some damage, but we were spared. It dropped the temps and humidity to comfortable levels for the first time in over a week and gave the land a much needed soaking.

  2. Glad the storm wasn't worse, Ann...as for a city, tech. Hornell is a city, but not truly. What constitutes a city anyway? Just wondering.

    Have a beautiful day, friend.

  3. Good morning, ANn! Hope the day after the storm dawns lovely, clear, and calm.. I like you, love the older programs best..much more wholesome!

  4. I still watch the old shows. Jay and I used to watch Andy Griffith when we sat down to lunch. So thankful for you that the storms didn't hurt your home. Those homes on the beach are so gorgeous.

  5. That is a beautiful home! I bet that is a gorgeous area! Loved your answers! Have a nice weekend.


  6. I’ve had a few trees come down in storms, it can be very scary. Glad you’re ok

  7. I hope your insurance covers your damages. I forgot about Spenser. I used to watch that, and Baretta (?), I think it was.


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