z Cottage by the Sea : Movie Challenge
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Saturday, July 11, 2020

Movie Challenge

Welcome friends. Thunderstorms are due again today.  We've had them almost daily for a couple of weeks now.
I am joining with Sunday Stealing today. I hope you join in as well.

"Hi! I'm your host Bev Sykes of the blog "Funny the World". . Welcome to Sunday Stealing. This feature originated and published on WTIT: The Blog. Here we will steal all types of questions from every corner of the blogosphere. Our promise to you is that we will work hard to find the most interesting and intelligent questions. Cheers to all of us thieves!"
From Sharon Compton

1. Last movie you watched

   Twister ( yet again) on Netflix.

2. Last movie you watched in a theater.
Christopher Robin, which I thought was wonderful.

3. Film you’ve always wanted to watch, but haven’t
I really can't think of one but I know there were a few I missed.
4. Favorite movie soundtrack
There are a few that are equal  in my mind: Charade, The Pink Panther, Moonstruck, The 10 Commandments, Jurassic Park, A Summer Place, Pride and Prejudice.

5. Your favorite movie duo
I enjoy Katherine Hepburn and Spenser Tracy and for more modern times, Sandra Bullock and Keanu Reeves.

6. Movie you like because of its story.
A Man for All Seasons, You've Got Mail, A Christmas Carol., Forbidden Planet, The Illusionist, The Bishop's Wife, Gone with the Wind,  Oh the list could go on and on.

7. A film that disappointed you
I cant think of any that did that.

8. Favorite scene from a movie
There are a ton from the George C Scott version of A Christmas Carol, too many to name.
But this one tops the list:  He turns her head to see what he is seeing, something a fellow did to me a while back. I would LOVE to see these creatures as they did. I would just by pass the  T Rex and the Velocoraptors,  thank you.

9. Your guilty pleasure movie
Not guilty but, I love the movie Forbidden Planet which is a sci fi classic! I also love watching old movies like  Where the Boys Are, Peyton Place, A Summer Place.. so many more.

10. A movie you keep going back to
I enjoy re-watching the old movie Giant Gila Monster from 1959. Such a fun drive in style movie.  I also have watched Twister over and over.
11. A quote your admire from your favorite movie.
Here is a graphic I made for one such quote:
There are tons of quotes I love from Moonstruck, but again, there are too many to list. I almost know the dialog by heart.

12. A movie based on a true story
A Man for All Seasons, a movie that blew me away.  St. Thomas More is someone I admire.

(Sir Thomas More (7 February 1478 – 6 July 1535), venerated in the Catholic Church as Saint Thomas More,[ was an English lawyer, social philosopher, author, statesman, and noted Renaissance humanist. He also served Henry VIII as Lord High Chancellor of England from October 1529 to May 1532.  He wrote Utopia, published in 1516, about the political system of an imaginary island state.
More opposed the Protestant Reformation, directing polemics against the theology of Martin Luther, Huldrych Zwingli, John Calvin and William Tyndale. More also opposed Henry VIII's separation from the Catholic Church, refusing to acknowledge Henry as supreme head of the Church of England and the annulment of his marriage to Catherine of Aragon. After refusing to take the Oath of Supremacy, he was convicted of treason and executed. On his execution, he was reported to have said: "I die the King's good servant, and God's first".)

13. Your favorite actor/actress
I suppose it would be a toss up for Bette Davis and Joan Crawford, both great actresses I think
14. A sequel you’re not a fan of
I am not a fan of Star Wars or any of the sequels to it.

15. A film you know by heart
16. Your favorite opening scene (this is the entire movie so you might just wish to see the first few minutes for the opening.)

17. A film that was based on a book and was executed well
A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens.

18. A comedy film
My all time favorite comedy is Zorro the Gay Blade. If you can find it, give it a look. It is extremely funny. It stars George Hamilton.

19. TV series you’re binging on now
Re-runs of Mannix on YouTube.

20. A TV series you think is underrated
Oh my..many series were underrated and didn't last long enough.
I really thought the British series Ever Decreasing Circles was very funny and quirky.
There was a series of a space ship lost in a different quadrant that didn't last but had great potential as well as one in which people in a dying world were transported back to dinosaur times.

Remember, Tuesday 4! Come visit and join in won't you?


  1. Sadly, while I enjoy the seagulls flying around your page, they really spoiled the opening scene of A Christmas Carol.

    1. hahaha! I bet they did. Maybe they needed a London Christmas vacation!!

  2. (so glad someone else mentioned tracy and hepburn!)

  3. So many great movies and great stars it's hard for me to choose just one. I prefer the older movies, I'm not much on new movies, too much smut and dirty words. I love Twister and lost count of how many times I've watched it. I will say I know the entire dialog!!

  4. that dachshund on the side... so cute. Gotta go see that bbc show you mentioned.

  5. Some really great films. I loved A Man For All Seasons. Scott is an excellent Scrooge, and Moonstruck...

  6. I'll have to put A Man For All Seasons on my watch list...

  7. THe older movies you sited, like Where the Boys are etc are some of my favorites too I much prefer older filmS!

  8. I'm a big Cary Grant fan (in the older ones), and esp. in The Bishop's Wife, with Loretta Young and David Niven. I don't watch many movies, but love the old classics. Of course I loved Gone With the Wind, and feel like it's time to watch it again before it totally disappears. I loved the old versions of A Christmas Carol. Can't think of the actor's name, but June Lockhart is in it as one of the daughters and her real father plays her father Mr. Cratchet. Great old movies. Little Women with Katharine Hepburn.

  9. I loved that scene from Jurassic Park! The scene with the T-Rex still fills me with anxiety. When I first saw it in the theater, I about had a heart attack :)

  10. I enjoyed your answers.
    Have a good week ahead!

  11. That was fun. I am a movie person so those questions were very interesting to me.

  12. Just reading that someone turned to see what you saw gave me goosebumps. :-)
    You must've seen the movie in which George Hamilton played a vampire. That was a funny one, too.

  13. Always something to learn here !
    Intriguing questions and interesting answers .
    So many good old movies and wonderful actors !
    Have a splendid day , my friend !


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