Thursday, July 30, 2020

Welcome to My World

Hi friends.
Today I am joining with Skywatch Friday and Friday Photos as well.
Thunderstorms have been dotting the area along with lovely golden sunshine days. Not a bad summer all in all but I  have never seen so many thunderstorms. I suppose it is the Grand Solar Minimum which will be with us for a generation at least and causes all kinds of havoc from volcanoes and earthquakes to big storms.
Today I present a view into my world, which is my neighborhood.
All shots are taken by my home with my Canon or my Android.

First.. this to help you smile.....

The beautiful Atlantic Ocean

A Pastel night sky


  1. Breathtakingly beautiful...gosh Annie...if your governor wasn't such a ...I gotta back to the coast, somehow, sigh.

    I love your siggy, smiles. I hope you have a beautiful Friday my friend.

  2. I love the waterfront scenes. Very beautiful. The butterfly on the dogs nose is cute too.

  3. Those photos all look so peaceful and tranquil, and then there's me just in from my morning walk around the property, from swatting yellow deer flies and mosquitoes along the way ... wanna trade? LOL
    BTW, I've been given 30 days in the FaceBook Jail House. Won't get to click "like" on all your comments but know I'm there in Spirit!
    Blessings my friend.

  4. Oh my! Your skies and water pictures are magnificent! And I LOVE the dog with the butterfly! That was super sweet. Your little goldfish pond in motion is beautiful too. I know you get a lot of enjoyment from that. We are expecting some stormy weather this weekend, depending on what that hurricane decides to do. I hope it doesn't come up the coast to you as well. We just need to be ready for whatever it brings! Pray you have a blessed and beautiful weekend.

  5. Hi !
    Wishing you a wonderful day , my friend !
    Your photos are so beautiful...the Pastel Sunset and Atlantic Ocean make me very happy...Thank You !!!!


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