z Cottage by the Sea : Food... Glorious Food.Tuesday 4
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Food... Glorious Food.
Tuesday 4

Welcome to Tuesday 4 in honor of  Toni Taddeo.
Hi Toni!! Think of you almost every day.

1.  What do you have at breakfast? What can you recommend?
Breakfast for me is eaten late and usually a  boiled egg.
Sometimes it is oatmeal with heavy cream and cinnamon and occasionally I fry the egg.
2. What is your favorite meal of the day and why?
It used to be breakfast when I could eat pancakes or waffles but now it is supper and I love what I make for supper usually.
3.  Tell us about your typical lunch or dinner. 
I rarely eat lunch at all. If I do it is a salad.
I make dinners from scratch all the time. I make meatloaf, roast beef, chicken, fish , casseroles, etc.
I always have a meat or fish and 2 vegetables  but it is extremely rare  for me to have a starch like potato or pasta.
4.  Were meals different growing up or do you continue much as your mother did?
I still cook much as my mother did, making meals even if I am eating alone.
All food was made from scratch and I do that also today.
We didn't order in as many people do and I don't think it is healthy to do so.
Growing up, pizza or chinese food were snack foods, not meals.  Hamburgers and hot dogs were only for picnics in our house.
Weekday meals were meatloaf, fried chicken, roasted chicken fish, roast beef or steak, German Rouladen, Pepper steak, spaghetti, soups, all made from scratch.
My mother and grandmother made pies often which we had as dessert.

The skies are looking dark and cloudy as we wait to see what Isaias will do here along the New Jersey coastline.
I am thinking of the other huge rotted tree behind my yard on government land. One fell within inches of my home a couple of weeks ago. If this one goes I hope it falls to the side! These are very tall big dead pines.
I hope you are enjoying the Tuesday 4 and tell your friends to join in if you would!


  1. Making foods from scratch, are always the best! I haven't had pepper steak in a long time, might have to add that to our menu soon!! Have a great Tuesday!

  2. Keeping you in prayer over this storm, Annie. I enjoyed your answers...and teasing, whata mean pizza or such isnt a meal? Geesh, sounding like King Cuomo and the chicken wings (rolling laughter and you know I am teasing).

  3. Nothing compares to cooking from scratch. Say safe in that storm, sending prayers!

  4. Your meals sound wonderful! I am always imagining the smells when you tell us about what you're cooking. Laughing about hamburgers and hot dogs for picnics...with my dad it was steaks on the grill or nothing! I guess I eat a lot of snacks for dinner because I love Chinese food!
    Praying you are safe and all is well today as the storm passes by.

  5. We rarely ate out when I was a kid. Maybe if we were out shopping, or something like that. be careful of that hurricane! Loved your answers. Have a nice Tuesday.


  6. Praying you are safe through the coming storm/hurricane.
    I have coffee for breakfast because I'm not a breakfast eater.
    My husband made breakfast burritos this morning (he likes to cook).
    We will have these for lunch today, because we like a light supper.
    I enjoyed your answers.
    Have a great Tuesday.

  7. Your breakfast sounds perfect to me. We make dinner from scratch too except for Friday night pizza. Us too, potatoes and pasta are seldom eaten although we do have them sometimes. I actually like zucchini noodles. Hope all is well at your house.

  8. Praying the storm is not doing damage or harm to your roof/home and /or the tree in the back. Your meals sound wonderful. Would love to come have dinner with you!! Yes we always have vegetables with our meats too, but we usually do have a potato one way or the other, baked or mashed or if I have leftover baked potatoes, we slice them and fry them. I like little red potatoes esp. for that. But vegetables and a salad are always in order.

  9. What an interesting post ! I am a big fan of food - its tastes , textures , scents and the combinations thereof . The current favorite is peaches . The store offers then unripe...they are brought home , tucked into a brown paper bag with an apple ...top rolled down and ignored for two days . If not quite ripe , leave them for one more day . The result is that of fruit ripened on the tree...so tender , fragrant and full-flavored...sooo good !!! Why add the apple ? Apples naturally give off ethylene gas , as do bananas , that bring other fruits to ripeness...who knew ?!?
    Please stay safe and well...


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