Saturday, September 12, 2020

Moby Dick and Sunday Stealing

Sunday stealing...

Stolen from Bankerchick
1. Tell us about any lawn or garden plans you have for this month,
Lawnmower broke. Dryer broke, roof leaks.. so not much will be done about much of anything. I might put out some chrysanthemums if I can find nice ones at the grocery store. 

I will clean the ponds nicely, though they are crystal clear and healthy but I start getting them ready for over wintering. I will have to buy a new leaf net for the big one. I have to cut back the wisteria as well. I will also transplant a lot of moss from the yard to the rocks around the pond as I love that look very much. I have a tree full of apples to pick now as well and trimming of weeds to do.

2. "Many things grow in the garden that were never sown there."~Thomas Fuller  What does this quote mean to you?
   I have quite a lot of plants that birds have brought to my garden. Lovely things that grow as one of a kind at first. Nothing grows unless it is sown and animals and birds do sow seed as do trees.
I am always pulling up swamp maple, oak, holly, pine and cedar seedlings from the forest behind me that blow into the yard and start growing.  I think there are enough young cedars and holly trees to transplant along the entire back fence and I will probably do that.

3. What's the first thing that comes to mind when you think about God?
I would think its probably something different each time. There is no one thing.

4. If we were chatting in person, how would I know if you were nervous.
There is no way for you to know.

5. Do you like the color yellow? Would I find any in your home or wardrobe?
I love yellow when it is very pale. You would find it in my kitchen wall color, pale sweet yellow.  My hair is also very pale light  blonde (yellow).

6. Daffodils, tulips, roses, sunflowers, day lily, black-eyed Susan...which yellow bloom on this list is your favorite?
I am a great fan of both yellow roses and Black eyed Susans. Two of my all time favorites.

7. Flip flops or bare feet?
 Growing up bare feet were frowned upon indoors or out. You had to wear shoes or slippers. I wear sandals rather than go barefoot.

8. Fish out of water, big fish in a small pond, living in a fishbowl, packed in like sardines, this is a fine kettle of fish, plenty of fish in the sea, fish or cut bait...which fishy phrase most recently applies to some area of your life?
Frankly Scallop, I don't give a clam, but I may answer this  just for the halibut.  Now stop carping about this de-bait because you are just floundering around. All this is giving me a haddock!

9. Have you ever been fishing? Did you catch a fish? If so did you keep it or throw it back? If you haven't been fishing is that something you'd like to try?
 Yes. Yes, I caught a tarpon my first time, sunnies after that. I didn't throw it back, it almost took me  into the water as it was well over 6 ft long and very broke the line thankfully as I was in no way equipped for that kind of fish! If the line hadn't broken I would have had to let it go or be towed out to sea.

 Later on I liked fly fishing and I caught a lot of lovely golden trout.

10. What's something you're always fishing for in your purse, wallet, desk, or kitchen junk drawer?
No junk drawers allowed in my house. I fish for my keys in my purse.

11. Your favorite fish tale or movie?
I liked Moby Dick .. the cheap new version which you can watch here if you are so inclined. It's entertaining at least.


12. Are you sunrise, daylight, twilight or night? Explain why you chose your answer.
Twilight.. sounds nice that's why.

13. What's the oldest piece of clothing you own and still wear?
Winter coat that's about 20 something years old. I also have shirts that are very old too. I have a 20 year old skirt I still wear too.

14. What's been the best and worst part of your summer so far?
The weather was lovely this summer. Rarely too hot, just right. I actually enjoyed this summer.

15. Are you a Jimmy Buffet fan? If so, what's your favorite JB tune
Not a fan but he is okay.   I like Come Monday. Margaritaville is a good song too.

Tonight Tuesday 4 goes up, so.. look for it.


  1. I enjoyed all your answers Annie and your answer to number 8 made me laugh out loud. I can't imagine (almost) catching a fish that is 6 feet long. That is taller than most people. Our summer was mostly raining which oddly still left my gardens too dry. In fact my trees and plants look burnt around the edges. In August we finally got hot weather and then nice moderate temperatures. Rain is supposed to arrive this week and I hope it clears the skies and the air which are laden with smoke and soot from the fires south of the border. I hope you and your family are keeping well and I'm glad to read you had a good summer.

  2. Liked your answers today.
    Have a great Sunday my friend.

  3. I always enjoy your answers, Annie and it seems I already knew this, smiles. Have a beautiful day friend, it looks to be a solid rain day here in the Southern Tier of NY. It's nice to have the windows and backdoor open, smiles.

  4. I should watch the movie of Moby Dick. I have avoided the book for decades because I hear it's too difficult...and don't realy know the story.

  5. I have many of my older coats. I used to be a collector of coats it seems. Loved your answers. Have a nice day!

  6. Hi -

    I’m Judd from the popular brand new questions meme on Mondays. ( Every week we are the folks who are originators of Sunday Stealing & Saturday 9. Our promise that the 10 questions the will be intelligent. We won't ask yes or no questions or stupid ones. (i.e. What colors do you have on?)

    Please consider joining this Monday.



  7. Hmmm, that last comment looks like a spammer to me. I liked the Moby Dick with Gregory Peck. He's one of my favorite actors because he sounds a lot like my Grandfather. (and looks like he did at a young age too, at least in my mind). I also enjoyed your answer to #8. That was a good one. I wish you had a video of you catching that big fish! that would be quite the show! Yellow is a good color for you. Not my favorite color because it makes me look too pale, but I can see it would be a good color for you. I do love yellow flowers, sunflowers, black eyed Susans, etc., wildflowers. Wish I could come get some of your tree seedlings for my front yard. I probably have plenty right here, however. I just have to get busy and do something with them! Have a blessed and beautiful day.

  8. I read Moby Dick so many years ago, and would like to see this movie. Thanks for the heads up on it.
    The decades of drought have ruined my garden and my now being nearly 78, it's not looking good for it. As you say, how are we to get new plants?
    Waiting for the first rains so that the wild flower seeds can be sown.

  9. Something fishy about #8 , but very finny...I'm hooked !
    Wonderful exchange in questions , answers and enlightening place to visit ...
    thank you !


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