Thursday, September 10, 2020

Pine Barrens

Behind my house is the cedar water creek that flows into the bay. Crystal clear and tea colored from the tannin in cedar that grow in the pine barrens.  The sand surrounding is sugar white and the barrens are heavily forested with cedar, pine, maple and holly.

The creek has many little rivulets running through the forest, and many ponds and lakes. 

 Linking to skywatch this week.

And the creek ends here on the open bay just  a bit up the creek...on the right of my home.

Now a photo for me.... She was a great goalie in field hockey, soccer and lacrosse.

Famous Anonymous High school Lacrosse best goalie of all time!


  1. That's a beautiful little slice of nature. Looks like a pristine creek!

  2. Beautiful. I love hearing about the Famous Anonymous Kid.

  3. Beautiful pictures. I love how your blog looks! How do you get the layers? I miss playing with my old blog. I thought I had my blog paged protected but it isn't. I love your header too!

  4. Susan I will reply in a post to show how you can make the layers on your blog.

  5. What a great reflection in your photo. Wonderful.


  6. Always a pleasure to visit here !Love this version of your pretty...
    want to live there !!! The creek bottom , when touched by the sun looks to be covered in gold...quite the effect ! So many exclamation well deserved !!!

  7. Love to see the peaceful waters surrounding your home, in addition to the ocean waves. I love the creek...and did I see people swimming in there? Wow! Your "famous anonymous" is amazing. I hope she is doing well. I have thought about her many times and have said a little prayer for her. Lovely photos. Thank you.

    1. Thanks Pamela. Due to the nonsense of covid, she had to delay her medical tests.


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