z Cottage by the Sea : Tuesday 4 Rebel
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Monday, September 28, 2020

Tuesday 4 Rebel

Welcome to Tuesday 4 in honor and memory of Toni Taddeo. 

The subject this week was marriage. But since I have nothing to say on that,  I am being a rebel and doing an old one from Toni's blog posted last October . I really have nothing to say about marriage and so, this is my topic for the week You can see this week's actual meme at Tuesday4.. link on the side of my blog here.

Autumn This Or That

1.   Pumpkin Carving or Apple Picking?

Pumpkin  carving would be more fun I think. I just finished picking apples off my own tree. Its hard work.

2.   Yankee Candles or Roaring Fireplace?

 Yankee candles as I don't have a fireplace. I used to, but gave it to my daughter who threw it out.. I would have liked to have it back. It was an oak surround on a gas fireplace. Very nice really.

3. Hot Chocolate or Apple Cider? I will go off the list and ask for an old Colonial drink served hot called Flip. Invented in the early 1600's and much beloved in Colonial America. 


4. Pumpkin Pie or Apple Pie? I like both but, I think apple pie made by my grandmother was the top of the list!! They were huge, high and delicious.    


  1. I was a little confused at first. I hope we get to do some fall questions in future Tuesday 4. I love fall! Maybe we can share a recipe or decorations. I can't burn candles because of my allergies but I can use essential oils. It is way to hot burn a fire so I put Harvest colored lights in the fireplace. Sorry you lost yours. I enjoyed the video. I don't like beer. There is a story about that I will have to share someday. I love the pretty background. Did you paint that?

    1. Next week is an autumn theme and I will make sure there are recipes and decor mentioned for you. :)

  2. This was very delightful. I would have preferred this one as well, even though I have plenty to say about marriage, but since I've already done that this year surrounding our 51st anniversary, I think I've said enough! I prefer apple pie to pumpkin, but I love them both. I usually only eat pumpkin pie at Thanksgiving or thereabouts, but apple I could eat all year long! Just wish we had some of those fresh picked apples here to bake one with! They always taste better!

  3. HA! I was little confused, LOLOL. You such a rebel, LOLOLOLOL. ANYWAYS, I enjoyed your post, Annie and I think I knew all this about you, smiles.

    p.s. I miss our daily chats...sigh.

  4. For me pumpkin pie is seasonal, I have to have it during the Thanksgiving/Christmas seasons. Apple pie is good anytime, anyplace, anywhere!!

  5. Enjoyed your fall answers. Pumpkin pie would be my favorite.

  6. I enjoyed your post , as always !
    As to apple picking...my folks has an ancient Mackintosh apple tree outside their shop ( in a 1790's building !!!) . One year , when the fruit was ripe and ready to be picked , Mom offered me one . Not a fan of store-bought Macs , the offer was only accepted when pressed . Oh my ! What a difference fresh-picked fruit has !!! What was expected was something rather mealy in texture and flavorless . The reality was crisp , juicy and full of flavor !!!
    The challenge now is to find similar quality . The farm stands here import apples from other states...no longer crisp and lovely...sigh...
    Have a splendid day , my friend !

  7. Annie,

    I got a little confused when I saw your set of questions verses what was on the Tuesday4 blog until I read that you didn't have anything to say about marriage. What a relief to know that I didn't goof. :)

    We used to carve pumpkins with the kids when they were small and when DH's parents were living we'd pick apples from their small orchard. Great fall activities that I miss. I would prefer a fireplace over candles but I'd like to have both. I always associate hot chocolate with fall and hot spiced cider with Christmas, but I do have hot chocolate at Christmas time, too. Pumpkin pie striking for Thanksgiving but Apple pie is good anytime!


  8. Enjoyed your fall answers, apple pie for me please. Thanks for hosting :)


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